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"Fill me in y/n!!"
"Miko we have to hurry to class, we're late!"
"But I have to hear everything" miko states with a pouting face.
"Lunch break, okay"
"promise" she said while holding her pinky finger up
"I promise!! Now hurry!"
We both ran to class, thinking that we were late, but the teacher haven't even arrived yet himself.
I walk over to my seat, to see Nagi on his phone.
"Morning Nagi"
"Morning" he said looking up at me quickly, then back down on his phone.
"What you doing" I say, resting my head on my hand.
"I'm talking to reo about tomorrow"
"Ohh what's he saying"
"They were thinking about going to the movies"
I smile excitedly, as I try to sneak peak on his phone.
"What do you wanna watch" I ask him, tilting my head slightly to the side.
"Horror" he says
I gasped loudly.
"SAME, I was looking at the nun 2 movie! Let's suggest it to the others. If we both vote for it, there might be a chance that we'll watch it"
"Bet" he says smiling at me
His smile was so comforting, I returned back the smile, while sorting out my notes, pencils and opening up my laptop.
"Good morning class"
"Morning sensei" the whole class had said in union, while standing up briefly in.
"I've changed the deadline for the assignment a little, since we're way back in the schedule for the exams"
The class started snickering, everyone asking why, and when the assignment is due then.
"Alright class, calm down, it's due Monday, so you'll have the rest of the week plus the most of the school hours!"
I I look over at Nagi, only to catch eye contact with him.
"You'll be continuing the assignment for the rest of the school day, I'll be in my office"
I look excitedly at Nagi
"You know what this means?!"
He looks at me with one eyebrow up.
"That literally means we have extra time, while the teacher is in his office, we could do whatever we want for the rest of day"
"We still gotta do the assignment thought" Nagi states out
"Yes obviously, but we decide when, how long and when we wanna take breaks!" I say happily while clapping my hands.
"Yeah that's true"
"Also I think meguru and reo, got they're free period soon, we could hang out w them in that hour as our break"
"Let's start on the assignment now then" Nagi says while opening up his laptop.
"Yes y/n"
Did he just call me by my first name-
"Let's go to the convenience store!"

         。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
"Why did you wanna go to the convenient store again?" Nagi said, looking down at his phone texting someone.
"Okay listen I have THE perfect plan today"
He turned off his phone, and pulled it away, now all his attention were on me.
"Okay so first we'll buy lots of snacks right?! Then we'll go to the library, and do the assignment while eating our snacks! Then we'll get meguru, and reo to come to the library in their free period! What you think"
"That's a pretty good plan"
"I know right?!!" I say proudly
We walk quietly again, while I was humming and kicking some rocks, that were laying on the ground.
"Have you realised that, we're gonna be together all day"
"What?" I said confusingly.
"Well we're working on the assignment the whole school day, and then we gotta go to the cafe after, then we're hanging out w the others." He said slightly chuckling.
"But being with you isn't that bad" he stated out again.
"I know, I'm very fun to be with right!" I said proudly. We were walking while
Making small talk, nothing that important just intertaining enough to not be walking in silence.
We're now in the store, we went our separate ways, with our own baskets trying to find our fav snacks. I went over to the drink section, as I'm more of a drink person, I don't really snack eat a lot. I put in some different drinks, banana milk, strawberry milk, a grape soda, caprisun, iced coffe can, and a jelly drink. Then I went over to the noodle section, and grabbed 2 packs of shin ramyun, since we have a boiler in the library. (Don't ask why)
I got a few other snacks that I knew meguru liked, just in case they were joining up with us. Caramel popcorn, grape jelly candies, peach Oreos and kimchi chips. I got Takis for me, since I love spicy food.
I catched up with Nagi in the store, and saw he was looking at the freezer section.
"Ooh I want Onigiri too!"
He chuckled at my comment, and handed me one onigiri.
"Can you give me one more, for meguru!"
"You're buying snacks for meguru too?" He said, looking at me with an eyebrow up.
"Yes obv, we buy each other snacks, you don't do that with reo"
"No not really, he buys me. But that's because he's rich"
"Sounds like to me that you're just using him then, or it's a one sided friendship" I stated out bluntly

Nagi's pov
I never thought of it like that, I mean he's never asked for anything. So I just assumed that it was normal that way, that he's the one buying me the snacks. But maybe y/n's right. I ran over to the drink section, and grabbed a cold ice latte drink, and another onigiri for reo. I turned over to y/n only to see her smiling at me, i turned away quickly, as my cheeks turned slightly red.
"I bet he's gonna love that you bought him something!" Y/n said, giving me a thumbs up
"You're saying it like we're dating.."
"I would support!"
I laughed at her comment, and proceeded to check out my stuff.

We walked out of the store again, side by side. With 2 big bags filled with snacks.
"You know y/n, what if the teacher catches us with our bags, they're gonna know that we left school"
She takes a second to respond, while looking up in the sky, with her finger on her chin.
"It's gonna be fine, we're gonna sneak into the school, run into our class and put the bags into our back pack!"
"Good plan" I say while nodding

                     Y/n's pov
We were now tip toing to our class, our bags under our shirts, so it looked like we both were pregnant. Walking along side the wall, I peaked around the corner to make sure no teachers were in sight. But to my surprise, our English teacher were walking towards us looking at some papers. I held my arm towards him, pushing him into the janitors closet following in with him quickly, then holding the door a jar. There was almost no space in the closet, since it was filled with washing stuff, I was peeking through the door, but the teacher was standing outside the door talking with a Student. I turn around to whisper to Nagi, only to find his face centimetres away from mine. Literally. I try to back away, but my back almost hit the door, Nagi grabbed me from my back so I wouldn't slam the door and get us both caught. But now we were even closer, I decided to turn around quickly, my head turned slightly over my shoulders so I could see him from the corner of my eyes.
"The teacher is still outside" I whisper yelled. I push my head towards the door slightly, from the thoughts of being so close to Nagi earlier.
"I think they went away now" Nagi whispered
I peeked through the door once again, finally no one was to be seen. We continued tip toing towards the classroom, pretending we were ninjas.
"Huh y/n where did you go" miko said, she was sitting next to the door.
"I went out to buy snacks, with Nagi!"
"Whaat, no fair I want snacks too. Can't we do the same thoma kun" Miko asked her classmate, he just ignored her, and continued doing the work, while she was pouting. I handed her a banana milk, from my bag.
"Thank you y/n! You're the best" miko said while hugging me thighly.
"Always" I reply back with a wide smile, hugging her back.
Me, and Nagi went back to our seats, to grab our belongings, and then we headed to the library.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

Me meguru
me and Nagi will be in the library the whole day, we got snacks! So come by with Reo, when you got time okay?


𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now