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We were sitting in megurus room on the couch, meguru and Nagi were talking about football, while I was trying to find attack on titan on the screen. After sometime I finally found it. I pressed play and reached over to grab a bag of snacks from the table.

                                   Nagi's pov

I was mostly looking between my phone and the screen, I've already watched it, but I had nothing else better to do anyways.
Y/n got up to get a blanket, and then she sat down again, cuddling up with Bachira, are they dating or something, i thought to myself. I could hear sobs, so I turned around to look at where the noise came from, only to see y/n crying into bachiras chest.
" y/n? You okay?" I asked
"Yeah she's fine she always cries when she watches anime." Bachira answered for y/n

'' is she really that sensitive?'' i ask, looking over at them both''


''guys shut the fuck up, we are in the good scene right now" y/n whisper yelled while silently crying.

Y/n's pov

"Y/n get yourself together." Meguru said
I continued sobbing, couldn't even breath, and my makeup all ruined, mascara streaming down my face. I watched my favourite character die in front of me, how couldn't I cry. i watch nagi stand up, and walk around in the room, unbothered to look at his direction.
"Here" he said, whilst a box of tissues were handed to me.

''thanks'' i said while sobbing, taking the tissues from his hand. the movie just ended, and meguru went down stairs to help his mom with the groceries. so here i am, sitting on the couch sniffing, and Nagi only a few inches away from me.

''what do you think about the last part?'' nagi says, trying to break the silence.

''i hate it.'' i said while cuddled up with my legs. nagi didn't say anything, he was waiting for me to explain .

''it's a trashy anime, like why even make an anime, if 99% of the characters are gonna die. like there must be something wrong with isayama, if he thinks this anime was a good idea.''
"Well the anime wouldn't be the same if the characters didn't die, but I agree he shouldn't have killed that many of the main characters" he responded back.

''hey nagi'' I said which sounded more of a question
nagi was about to say something, until the door busted open

''Y/n my baby how have you been!'' meguru's mom said while walking over to y/n for a hug

''Auntie I missed you too!'' I said loudly
'' i think thats enough mom''
I saw my entire life flash before my eyes, as I was getting choked to death by auntie.

'' how did you do on the test sweetie''
i laugh nervously not trying to make eye contact with her
''y/n.. you need to stop playing on that computer all day, and study some more''

''yes auntie'' i say while giving her a thumps up, knowing fully well i wont.

''you staying over for dinner honey?''
''mmm no, i already ate so i'm gonna go home in abit''
Auntie gave me a small nod whilst noticing Nagi behind behind me. she walked over to him, and asked who he was.
''nagi seishiro, ma'am''
'' no need for the formality'' megurus mom said giggling, while shaking his hand.


it's currently 10:34am, and i was walking downstairs to make breakfast, until i suddently hear my doorbell ring. i walked over to the door, to check who it was.

''y/n L/n?''
i saw a man in blue clothes, with a big package on the ground, he hands me a device that i needed to sign, to confirm the package was delivered. i bring the package in, and closed the door behind me. my computer broke 2 weeks ago, so i ordered a new one. tbh i've been wanting a new one for a while since my old one was a boring black computer, so i ordered a cute white one this time. but the only problem was that meguru helped me set up my last one, and he's on a trip with his dad the whole weekend in another city, visiting his dad's side of the family.

i leave the package in the entrance, since its too heavy to lift, i continue eating my breakfast until i got an idea. I take out my phone, and went through my listed friends on snapchat until i noticed a familiar name 'nagi'
i click on him, and sent him a 'good morning' text to see if he's awake.

                                      ° 🎧✮

Me goodmorning!
Nagi morning
Me can i ask for a favour nagi?
Nagi uh depends.
Me okay so I just recently, ordered a new pc, and it came in today! But meguru is not home the whole weekend, and I can't set it up alone-
So could you maybe help me set it up, it's totally understandable if you don't want to though.
Nagi sure, I can come by in an hour? What's the address

I jump up and down excitedly, while typing in my adress.
i quickly sent him the adress, while gettting ready, i took a shower, put on some sweatpants, with a black tight tank top and a long sleeved shirt.

i heard the doorbell ring downstaires, as i was running down to open the door, I tripped on one of the stairs and fell over, causing a loud noise.

''you okay?''
i heard from the other side of the door, and managed to yell back a 'yes'. I got back up and walked over to the door, i checked myself on the mirror one last time, that was hanging beside the door. i opened the door, and flashed him a quick smile, while welcoming him in. i thank him one more time, for helping me.

'' you're home alone?'' He asked curiously
''i live alone''
he looks at me confused, waiting for me to explain.

'' my dad works in Canada, and i lost my mom when i was younger, so i grew up with megurus family''

''oh i'm sorry.'
''it's fine, no need to apologize''
we stepped inside and he helped me carrying the package upstairs to my room. I quickly ran downstairs again to grab som scissors.

''i didn't know you played video games, didn't strike me as the type''
i giggle, and hand him the scissors. i remove my long sleeved shirt, and sit in front of Nagi with the package in between us.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now