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The teacher was mad, he slammed his hand against the desk between me and nagis sleeping heads, we both jumped in our seats.
He opened his eyes, and just looked at the teacher, while I was still half asleep with half closed eyes looking around my surroundings not knowing where I am.
"I'm sorry but could u repeat that" I said confusingly
He was now furious.
"Geez no need to shout" I said under my breath
We both got up, and walked out of the classroom, all eyes were following us out.
"I'm so tired" I said while yawning, we were walking in the halls on our way to the principal's office.
"sending us to the office was too much" nagi states, while stretching his arms out.
"I agree, like bro chill we were just sleeping, and now we have to WALK all the way over to the principals office, it's too much of a bother tbh" i said while looking down, trying to keep up my posture.
Knock knock
I opened the door slightly, only to find an empty room, we both took a seat on the chairs, in the room waiting for the principal to get back.
"Did you not sleep well l/n?"
"It's not that I didn't sleep well, I was just playing video games all night, Thinking I could pull an all-nighter then I fell asleep-" I said looking up at Nagi
"What were you playing" nagi asked, tilting his head to look at me
"You know the video game valorant"
"Yeah, I love that game even though it fucks up my mental health"
"Honestlyyy" I laugh, while pulling out my phone.
"Nagi, do you stream"
"Uh, sometimes why?"
" I don't know you just kinda striked me as the streamer type, how many subs you got"
"Around 148k, the last time I checked"
"148K?!!" I yell standing up, that's insane.
"How do you have that many, I only have like 49k"
"49k subs are a lot too yk, and I didn't know you streamed"
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me I guess"
"Yeah, but you're account grows by time, and the more you stream the more subs you gon get."
I look up at him once again, locking eyes with him, we both look down on our phones, and I decided to open up instagram
"You know we could stream together some time, if you're down for it" Nagi said, while scrolling through insta.
"Why not"
"Uh also, could I get your Insta Nagi, if you don't mind"
He nods, and takes my phone to type in his user.
I look at his profile quick, AND 56k?! Goddamn he's famous. Kinda interesting how he isn't really known in school, but in the gaming world he is.
We both looked up at the door, as it opens, and reveals a old man.
"Evening, mr. Koriyama." Me and Nagi said in union, while bowing.
"Why are you here today?"
"We got sent down to the office, for sleeping in class." I say politely to the principal, while taking my seat again.
"You know you shouldn't be sleeping in school, the school year almost just started, and you already got sent down to the office y/n, what did we talk about last year?"
"I know, and it's gonna be different this year too! I promise, i just had a hard time sleeping yesterday, you know the stuff with my mom" Nagi looks at me with one eyebrow up, as I'm lying to the principals face, and gashlightning him.
"Detention after school, both of you" he sighs, and lets us off easy.
Since we got sent down to the principals office, we aren't allowed to return back to our class, until the period is over. We're now walking in the hallways again, on our way to the library.
"Well played y/n" he said slightly chuckling
"What was that about tho, did you get sent down to the principals office Alot last year?"
"Yeah the first year, was a tough one. I had alot of problems with one of the guys, from the other classes, which meant that I skipped alot, slept in class, and got into Alot of arguments. I also got closer with the principal that way, but I promised him to do better this year, so I'm going to"
He looked at me, confusingly, wanting to know more, but wasn't so sure that it was a great idea, so he just left it behind and nodded.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now