take my hoodie

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                                    Nagi's pov

''nagiii do you wanna go buy drinks with me'' koromi asked clinging up against me. we we're all here standing in front of the cinema, waiting for y/n. ''im good''

''ehh why not, cmon'' koromi tried to drag me this time, she didn't have much luck thought.
''y/n said that she'll be here in 15 minutes'' bachira said while looking down at his phone, probably texting her.
''can't we just go in without her, the movie is starting soon, and we haven't bought anything yet'' koromi yet again said, while fixing her lip stick.

i looked up at the group, slightly hoping that they wouldn't agree with her, she's starting to get on my nerves.

''lets go buy snacks, then wait in front of the entrance to the movie'' emiko said dragging bachira towards the snack bar. reo, and emiko followed along, though i decided to stay back and wait. i pulled out my phone to call y/n.
''you coming nagi'' reo said with koromi by his side.
''no im gonna wait for y/n, incase she can't find us''
''okay, just hurry'' reo replied back, i saw koromi roll her eyes before heading towards the others. tf is her problem.

Incoming call...

Ongoing call...

''hello?'' i hear y/n from the other side of the phone breathing loudly, trying to catch her breath.
''are you running''
''yes, i'm almost there, did you guys wait'' she said in between breaths
''actually the others already headed in, it's just me'' a few seconds passed before she replied
''sorry my headphones died, but i'll be there in 2 mins''
''okay see you in bit then''
''bye'' she said, hanging up the phone

                     A few moments later

i was scrolling through the comments on y/n's post, and everyone still seems to be hyped up about us playing together for some reason, i mean y/n is cool but she's just like every other person i've played with. lost in thoughts, i suddenly hear 2 doors slam open, i look to my left side, and notice y/n. she's trying to catch her breath, with both arms on her knees. she slighly looks up, and our eyes locked, she looks.. cute. she walked over to me, while taking off her scarf that was around her neck. her nose and ears completely red, from all the running.

''should we head inside?'' i nod at her question, i quickly checked the time and packed my phone away. ''the movie already started but there's gonna be 10 minutes ad's''

''thats why i'm so grateful for ads in the cinema, unless when you're early'' shes right, i laughed at her comment, and decided to walk over to the drink section. ''also what movie did you choose?''

''they chose.. the little mermaid...''
'WHAT? nah you joking right?''
''i wish i was''
''let's ditch them, and watch the nun 2'' y/n said, picking out 3 drinks, while smiling at me.

                              Y/n's pov

how did this go from a group hangout to practically a date?! i just now realised that me, and nagi were alone in the theatre, not a single other person. i mean we've been alone together before, but it just seemed kind of different when it's in a theatre, with no one else around. i pulled out my soda and opened the lit, as gentle as possible, to not make any sound. the ads were still on, and my legs started to shiver. i got goosebumps, as i rubbed both my legs with my hands, to warm them up, i feel a light push from the side.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now