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it's currently 7:20pm, we spent 7 hours on building the computer from scratch. We were both extremely exhausted, I couldn't feel my fingers or legs at all.

i turned on the computer, after connecting it with my monitor, keyboard and all that stuff. i took a seat on my chair, and Nagi was sitting on the bed next to me. it successfully turned on, and the first thing i did, was putting all my games to download.

''thank you for the help nagi, I really don't know what I would have done without you''
''Don't worry about it, I didn't have any plans anyways'' he replied back smiling
''wanna stay over for dinner?" i asked him, while changing my background on my computer.
'' depends, what we making''
''i shopped in for curry, wanna help me make it?''
As I entered the kitchen i grabbed an apron, and put it around me. i proceeded in finding all the groceries, and placed them on the table. Nagi had gone to the bathroom, so I was now waiting.
After placing everything on the table, I connected my phone to the speaker 'currently listening to 'agora hills by doja cat'

''wheres the aprons?''

I turned around to the sudden voice which startled me, I pointed over at the drawer which was next to him.
"Could you take a pot out from the second drawer under you"
I asked smiling. He looked pretty concentrated.
A few minutes had passed, I was cutting some onions and he was watching over the rice.

"Do you cook alot?" I asked.
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, cuz I didn't hear a response.
"You okay?!" Nagi hurriedly ran over to me, as he noticed that I was crying.
"Yeah it's the onions" I said sniffing. while drying my eyes with my arm sleeve.
I chuckle lightly at him

"My dad left us when we were kids, so it's just me my mom and my little sister"
I look at him, trying to find words of what to say.
"My mom works alot, so she's home sleeping, or at work"
"Oh I'm sorry" I said my eyes still teary, he looked up at me, before continuing his sentence
"So I cook a lot at home, but it's fine I enjoy cooking. It's one of my hidden skills you know"
"You must be a great cook then!" I replied while smiling.
I poured the onions into a bowl, and continued cutting the other vegetables. It's quiet.
All that could be heard, was the knifes cutting against the boards. When I finished cutting all the vegetables, I walked up to Nagi to see how far he was. Surprisingly he's all done. He was just waiting for me, god I'm slow.

I hand Nagi the bowl of all the cut veggies, and he poured them in the big pot, stirring it a bit, and then putting the lit on top. I grabbed my phone, and put a timer on for 30 minutes.
"So what do you wanna do while waiting?"
"I have a pool!" I replied excitedly
He looked at me, wondering if I was for real or not.
"What?" Nagi said confused
"I have a pool in my back yard, we could swim" I said blunty, while sitting in the kitchen table.
"I don't think it's a good idea to swim, when we only have 30 minutes left." He said while looking at his phone.
"Yeah you got a point"
I was lowkey scared to talk, my aniexty was kicking in.
"We could just watch a movie?"
"Sure" i said smiling, we went over to the living room, I turned on the tv and we both took our seats on the couch.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked firmly
"Mm whatever you want, i don't wanna think too much about it"
I nodded at his reply. I scrolled through Netflix, until a movie to my liking passed by.
"You for real?"
I look at him with one eye brow up.
"What's wrong with coco?!"
"It's a child's movie."
"And? It's good, I cry everytime I watch it"
He just sighs while resting his chin on his palm.


My phone was buzzing, and I noticed that Nagi fell asleep, a genius idea passed my mind, and I decided to take a picture of him sleeping.
I walked over to the kitchen, and turned off the pot of curry. I set the table quickly, and started setting the table, I decided to wake nagi up, but to my surprise there was not much luck.
I poke to his sides a few times, but I don't get a single reaction.
"Nagi.. wake up."
Nothing. which means there's only one solution.
I pulled out my phone, opened the instagram app and started recording. I pulled out a glass, filled it up with cold water and poured it on nagi.
"what the hell-" he woke up, confused of the situation, water was dripping out of his hair and his clothes soaked.
I was halfway down on the couch dying of laughter. I couldn't breathe.
"I-I tried-"
I was trying to catch my breath, while he was pulling out his shirt, so the surface of the shirt didn't touch his skin.
"Seriously? you could just have shaked me awake"
" tried to wake you up, but you didn't want to" I finally manage to say, while wiping off my tears. I clicked the stop botton on the recording, and decide to post it on my Insta story.
I threw a towel at Nagi, and apologised while trying to hold in my breath.
"It's fine whatever, you got extra clothes?"
"I'll check"
I ran upstairs and start going through my clothes, I found a hoodie that's a large, that should fit him right? And I got some pjs that's also a large size.
I ran down stairs again with the clothes in my hand.
He just looks at the clothes, and up at me.
"It's the only thing I got, it's not that bad just try it on"
He went over to the bathroom, closing the door behind him as he had entered. I put a towel over the water spot to let it soak into the towel.
I took a seat at the kitchen table, and started serving the food on both of our plates, I can just smell it. God I'm so hungry.
I hear faint footsteps, coming from the hallway that makes me look up.
"PFFT" I started bursting out of laughter again, taking my phone out to take a pic, posting it on my story again.
"Don't laugh you did this."

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now