Beauty of joseon

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Koromis pov
"No but like she's so annoying! Can't she just leave nagi alone? He clearly doesn't want her"
I said annoyed
"But you saw them make out" miko answered unbothered
"He was drunk, and if I pretend that I didn't see it. Nothing happened right?"
"If you say so, you could text him to help you study at his place when you're home alone" Miko replied
"You're a genius that's a good idea, we just gotta take care of y/n first"
"Look" miko said pointing in front of us.
It was Y/n and meguru walking together, to school.
"Tch, first nagi and now bachira? Who's next is she gonna steal kunigami from hana too? She's such a slut."
"What did you just call her?"
I turned around from the sudden voice, only to see nagi standing in front of us.
"What? I didn't call anyone anything? I said. Uh. Shut. Yeah shut! I just said that uh we gotta hurry to class before the doors gets shut!" I said panicking grabbing Milo's arm running towards the school.
We were standing in an empty hallway, gasping for air from all the running.
"That was close" i said tilting my head back, towards the wall.
"You got a plan for y/n?" Miko asked.
"Ofc. She's doesn't know what's coming for her"

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

Nagi's pov
"Hey guys"
"Hi sei" y/n said looking tired
"Hey nagi, bet you couldn't sleep an inch last night"
Bachira said winking.
"No i didn't sleep at all last night, stayed up playing"
"Oh- I was just joking but sure"
"So what we doing today" I said putting an arm around y/n's shoulder.
"What do you mean?" She said looking down on my arm then up at my face.
"Let's go to y/n's house"
"What! Why mine?!"
"Because you live alone, okay it's a deal then, right after school let's meet in front of the shoe lockers"
"Bitch" I heard y/n mutter under her breath. I let out a slight laugh as we said our goodbyes to bachira, who had another class.
"Sei let go of me"
"Why" I said smirking
"People are gonna think we're dating" she said looking around our surroundings
"Urgh never fucking mind" she said rolling her eyes. I smiled in victory.
"Also, you should be careful around koromi"
"What, why"
"I don't know, she's- just keep your eyes open around her"
"Who even likes her though?"
"To be honest I don't even think Emiko likes her, I heard that they got into an argument the day after we went to the movies"
"Oh maybe I should talk to emiko "
"Mmh if you want to, shes in the same class as bachira and reo" I said as we walked inside the class.
I took my arm away from her, and took my seat.
"Sei, they're all looking at us" she said deadpanned, I shrugged and opened up a game on my phone.

"Good morning class"
"Good Morning sensei" the whole class said in union, and got up briefly, everyone but y/n.
The teacher stared at her but he looked way too tired to deal with her as the first thing in the morning.
"Okay class listen up, we're gonna hear the presentations today and tomorrow. The schedule is simple. You'll get 1 hour to prepare, half of the class is gonna be up today, and the rest tomorrow. So you'll be off at 12"
I look over to my side as I heard a groan come out of y/n, I guess her hangover is really bad.
"Y/n are we ready or do we need to practice it?"
"Let's just go home" she said resting her head on the table.
"Get your shit together, this is gonna be apart of our final grades"
"Urgh whatever, we're ready let's just chill"
I nodded as she took 2 headache pills, and went to sleep. I didn't drink a lot last night. I did have 1-2 shots but I don't usually drink the day before school. Y/n on the other hand, she was a whole 'nother story.

The time flies by so fast when you're playing games, it's been a few hours, almost half of the class has already been up presenting their stuff, and y/n was still fast asleep.
"Alright l/n and nagi you're turn"
the teacher said fixing up the board for us.
"Uh sensei" I said pointing down at y/n
"Not again" he said
"I'm awake, but senseiiii can't we do it tomorrow I don't feel very well" y/'n said making the whole class look at her, as she stretched out the word 'sensei' in her sentence.
"Classed dismissed, l/n and nagi stay back"
I packed down my computer which I had ready, then waited for the classroom to get empty. As we both stood up, or well y/n dragging herself up, we walked over to the teacher.
"I'll see you two back here tomorrow, and if you could not be hangover, that would be great"
"Yes sensei" we both said in union. As we dismissed ourselves.
"I'm expecting a lot from that presentation"
He said as he walked away too.
"I fucking told you he'd know" she said swinging her backpack toward me, hitting me in the stomach with it.
"I didn't even have anything!" I took her backpack and swung it around my shoulder.
"The man has a nose of a bloodhound" I said
"Bro whatever let's just go home and wait for meguru, I'm so tired"
"Didn't you sleep all night and the whole school day though" I asked
"I get so sleepy when I'm hungover, and I get mood changes, it's like I have my period, without actually having the period"
I laughed whilst taking my phone out to text bachira.

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Y/n's pov
"Just take your shoes off here" I said throwing my backpack on the ground. I took off my shoes, and slipped into a pair of slippers, that was in the entrance.
I ran over to the couch, and slammed my myself on it. I made myself comfortable while putting a blanket on me.
"If you're hungry there's noodles in the kitchen" I yelled while he went over to the kitchen.

"Is she still asleep?"
"Mhm she's been asleep for awhile now"
"Should we wake her"
"Let's pour water on her"
I opened my eyes slowly, as I heard whispers, my eyelids were too heavy and it took me some time to process what they said.
"WHAT" I yelled as i realised what sei said, but it was too late as I got up, cold water was poured on me.
I could hear meguru die and another faint voice, laugh.
"You guys sound like hyuanas who's getting choked to death" I said resting my head back on the couch.
"You not gonna clean yourself" sei said, practically dying on the floor with the others.
"You guys are not funny, I'm too tired for this"
"It's called sweet revenge y/n"
"Fuck your self" I said taking the blanket off me and stamping upstairs to shower.
"You guys are cleaning this mess!"
"Someone's mad" they whispered, I rolled my eyes, and proceeded walking up the stairs completely soaked.

"Okay y/n it's fine" I said as I stepped out of the shower. I looked myself in the mirror talking to my self like a psycho.
"It's 5pm, you practically wasted half of your day but it's fine!! Your friends are over right! So I'm gonna go out, and I'm not gonna ruin the day by being annoyed!" I quickly put a few sprays of my favorite perfume on, and slipped into my pjs. I decided to take my bag of skincare and do it downstairs.

"Hi reo hi Emiko- wait.. bro does this look like a Night cafe to you or some shit" I said walking past them with my stuff.
"Why did you take so long in the shower"
"Guys you gotta know by now, that y/n needs at least 2 hours in the shower, 4 hours to do her makeup and 10 hours to get ready" Meguru said slightly laughing.
"I had a bad hangover, so I did an everything shower to refresh myself, and I'm feeling a lot better now" I said smiling.
"She was a walking zombie in school today" sei said.
"Am I the only one who don't get hangovers?" Emiko said proudly
"Lucky ass mf" I said taking a seat in the kitchen.
"Sei wanna do me a favor, and make shim ramyun for me, i'm starving"
"They already look like a couple" reo whispered
"They're so cute, together!"
"Sei put extra cheese in it"
"Yes ma'am"
"Yes ma'am" the others mocked
"What are you guys laughing at" I said as I was applying toner to my face.
"Nothing" they all said synchronically.
"you want something to eat" I said to Emiko who sat beside me.
"No it's fine we ate before coming here"
"Okay well if you want anything to drink the fridge is filled with a lot of different drinks" I said now applying serum.
"Do you have a whole store in here" emiko said with her jaw hanging in the air. She was looking in the fridge scanning through all the drinks, I laughed out loud as she picked 2 drinks.
"Y/n is rich rich"
"She is?"
Everyone's eyes were now on meguru
"Yeah her dad owns a big company in Canada"
"That makes so much more sense"
"Yeah that's why she's always the one buying snacks" nagi said
"Guys I found my second twin" reo said running over to me, hugging me to death.
"Reo don't touch my face with you're filthy hands"
"What serum are you using" reo said taking a seat next to me.
"Cosrx drop serum"
"Hmm beauty of Joseon glow serum, is really good you should try it" reo suggested
"I've actually heard about it, my friends uses it" emiko replied.
"I have the sunscreen but not the serum, I'll try it"
Reo and emiko proceeded to look through my skincare, I lowkey hate people who touch my stuff, but they didn't open the products so it was fine.
"Reo is a skincare freak, that's why hes skin is so clean" sei said placing a bowl of noodles infront of me
"Thank youu sei" i quickly applied a moisturiser, before eating my noodles.
"Emiko you have a hair tie?"
"Yeah here" she said pulling out a hair tie from her wrist.
"Thanks bae" I said blowing her a kiss.
"Sorry sei" she said taking the kiss and putting it in her pocket.
"You smell good what perfume is it" sei asked coming closer to me smelling me.
"Uh a flower perfume" I said backing out.
"It suits you"

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now