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"So then when i was about to beg him for the 890th time he said he already would join"
"Yeahhhh- wait what?!"
"I know right? All the hard work finally paid off"
"Bro I didn't even realise what you said, so when's he starting?"
" he's gonna talk to the coach before practise today"
"that's crazy i'm happy for you i guess, but there's something i've been wanting to tell you''
"Hi guys" emiko said, joining in on us-
"Morning, did you sleep well?" Meguru asked
"Yeah what about you"
"Could have been better, i was up binge watching shameless again."

''thats why it said you were online on discord, i just thought you left you're laptop open or something'' i said walking with the other towards the school.

''what did you wanna say y/n?''
"Never mind I'll tell you later, anyways see you later guys" I said walking over to my class waving.

"Hi sei" I said taking a seat next to him
"Hi babe"
"Shhhh" I said covering his mouth, he lifted an eyebrow chuckling.
"somebody could have heard you, not yet okay?"
"When then?"
"When the time is right"
"Aight whatever you say m'lady. Got any plans today?"
"Hmm I don't, what about you?"
"Nope, was thinking about doing something, but it's really cold outside so I don't really know what we possibly could do"
"We could go to the arcade"
"Sure, I'm down. But just us two right?"
"Yeah just us two" i said giggling
"Aight it's a date then" he said leaning back at his chair.
I smiled while getting ready for class.

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

I was walking next to sei, both our arms locked together. school had just ended, it was near sundown but it was winter afterall, so the daylight would come to an end faster.
"Isn't it crazy how it's already been 3 months since we met" I said peaking my head up from my phone.
"Oh yeah anniversaries exists too, we need to write down when we got together"
"You know you're supposed to remember anniversaries in your head..." I said giggling
"Yeah but I got a shitty memory? So it's an exception for us"
"Sure whatever you say" I said writing down the date.

"I'm not, you're just short" he said laughing
We were playing those basketball games in the arcade, and because he was way taller than me he could move closer and throw the basketball in the basket.
"You're a cheater, I'm just better for playing fairly" I said scoffing, turning my head around.
"Awhh poor y/n is all sad now" sei said turning my head back to face him
"Whatever!" I said walking around, hiding the blush on my cheeks.
"How many tickets you got?"
"5355, and you?"
"5144, you only got more because you cheated! Let's just go and get our prizes"
"we could put our tickets together, and get a bigger prize" sei said taking my tickets out of my hand, before I could even give a answer.
"This bear is adorable! What should we name him?" I said holding the bear which was 5 times bigger than me.
"Whatever you want to name him"
"Why yuu?"
"Why not, it's simple and cute" I said smiling
"Sure whatever makes you happy" he said clenching his hand, that was holding mine.

" I heard you were gonna sign up for the soccer team?" I asked swinging our hands back and forth.
"Yeah, I talked with the principal at lunch break he said he would sort it out for me"
"Ohh that's so exciting!"
"Yeah but the thing is, koromi is the manager at the team"
"You're joking right"
"I wish I was" he said
I just sighed and continued walking.
"You know koromi isn't a problem right? you're the love of my life"
"Yeah but she's still so goddamn annoying" I said irritated
"Let's get something to eat" sei said pulling me into a restaurant, that was on the street.
"What are you doing" sei asked. He was sitting in front of me, just staring at me.
"Posting on insta" I said not taking my eyes off my screen.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

 Liked by nagishiro and 9824 othersYour username arcade with @nagishiro

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Liked by nagishiro and 9824 others
Your username arcade with @nagishiro

View 3.892 comments

User 1 y/n and nagi went on a date?!
User 2 she's so cute I can't
Bachirameguru without us is crazy
{ emikoha fr I feel betrayed😔
User 3 y'all can't tell me that they wouldn't look cute together!
{ user 4 lol they don't

"God I'm starving, when's the food arriving." I whined

I started tapping sei's feet with my foot out of boredom until he got annoyed.
Before he could say anything our food arrived
"When was the last time you ate?"
"Likeee yesterday at 8pm" I said eating my food quickly, not wanting to waste another second.

"Say sei, got any plans this summer?"
"For summer vacation, me my mom and my sister usually goes to our hometown for a week to visit her side of the family, but other than that I spent my vacation at home"
"I see"
"Why you asking?"
"Wouldn't it be fun to travel somewhere together" I asked dipping my fries into the ranch, then stuffing them into my mouth.
"Or like Korea no? That's closer and cheaper."
"I'm paying for the trip"
"No I'll pay" sei said
"Nuh uh, I'm paying. Well my dad is. But still"
"That's not fair"
"I'm richer, we can make a deal tho. I pay for the tickets and the hotel and the food and you can pay for 2 drinks on the trip. What you say. Fair right" I said smiling
"Whatever, we'll see when the time comes"
He said sipping his drink, "wanna play tonight?"
"Yesss, stream?"
"Nah let's just play us two privately" he said smiling.

A/N: this chapter was abit shorter than the others, and i'm honestly loosing motivation again BUT i'll try!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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