takashimaya mall

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         Meguru's pov
Me and reo quietly entered the library, we noticed y/n and Nagi, sitting at a table eating snacks. I waved at y/n, hoping she would see me which she did. She waved back, getting Nagi to glance back at us, he just waved his hand a little.
"Bro the way you just left me on read is insane" y/n said crossing both her hands.
"The teacher almost saw my phone, and then I forgot to reply" i replied calmly
"Yeah yeah excuses, as always"
"Nagi how come you didn't invite me" reo said while taking a seat.
"Didn't feel obligated too"
"shhhh reo, we're in the library" y/n whisper yelled to reo
"Guys how do y'all find ur best friends, i think mines broken" Nagi just rolled his eyes while me and y/n were giggling.
"Here meguru" I look over at y/n who handed me a plastic bag with snacks in it, I received the bag from her, taking a quick peek into the bag then gasped loudly closing the bag again.
"Y/n did I ever mention how much I love you"
"About almost everyday, and I know you do" she said with full confidence.
"I also bought something for you reo" Nagi said while looking for his bag, reo looked at him with a confused look.
"That's new. Y/n what did you do to Nagi?!"
I laugh at his comment, while stuffing my mouth with a onigiri.
I watch Nagi hand reo, an onigi and a iced latte.
Reo gasped shockingly, he took the stuff and just stared at it for a few minutes without saying anything.
"Isn't he supposed to say thank you?" Nagi asks, turning his head to face y/n. She was sitting with both her legs on her chair, sipping on her strawberry milk. She just shrugged, while continuing typing in her laptop.
"So what are you guys working on" reo asked both of them.
"we have about the holocaust" y/n replied back, she was getting ready to REALLY study. And when I say really I mean like she's putting her hair up, and glasses on. When y/n finds something interesting in class, she puts in a lot of effort to study about the topic. She loved history after all, she would even quit gaming and actually do the assignment. Sometimes.

Nagi was now fast asleep, his head laying on the table, reo had put his jacket over him. They really do look like couples. Me, reo and y/n were just making small talk, until we realised we had to be in class in 5 minutes.
"Reo we gotta go, there's 5 minutes left" I say while getting up from my chair, and left my snacks behind.
"Noo don't leave me here" y/n said with a sad face
"Sorry y/n, we have class now cya later okay?" I said while giving her a side hug, then running out of the library quietly with reo.
"Meguru I got a plan."
"Is it something stupid. Again?"
"No, don't you think that y/n and Nagi, Lowkey would look cute together"
"Hmm I haven't really thought of it like that, but they do have a lot of things in common i guess, why you asking?"
Let's match them up.

                               。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

Y/n's pov
I stretch my arms out widely as possible, it's now 1:45pm, and we managed to get 65% of the work done. I honestly didn't think we would be able to do this much in one day.
"Let's call it a day, shall we?" I smack down my laptop, shoving it down into my backpack never wanting to touch it ever again.
"Aight, we still going to the cafe?" Nagi asks, also packing his belongings. 
"Nah, we've got so much work done today, it's not necessary to go to the cafe also, plus I'm starving! I'm heading home to eat before we're going out later"
We're both cleaning the table, and then double checking if everything's left as we found it. We're now walking out of the library in silence, i think meguru still got class til 3pm, so I'll be walking alone.
"Also it's not decided yet, but me and meguru will be celebrating our birthday party soon, if you wanna come"
"Sure sounds fun"
"Yeah but it's gonna be a drinking party, I mean you don't have to drink obviously, but just so you know!"
"Okay, whens your birthday?"
" mines the 17th September, and megurus is the 20th September"
"Ahh so in 2 weeks"
"Yeah but we don't know when we're holding it yet, we still gotta discuss it, but we always celebrate it together at my place, the only difference this year is that theres gonna be alcohol included."
"I see, i can help if needed"
"Really? We really need help with decoration, and setting up the things, so I'd really appreciate it if you're down for it" i said lightly smiling at him.

''aah i forgot'' i said mumbling
i pull out my phone from my pocket, and scrolled through my contacts.

Me hi Miko, i'm sorry i completely forgot about our deal. Tomorrow okay? promise!

''i was supposed to meet up with Miko at lunch, but i forgot'' i shoved my phone down in my pocket, whilst pulling out my headphones hanging them around my neck. ''you heading home now?'' i asked.
''yeah, and you?''

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
5:27 pm
Me meguru
What time we meeting today, and where?

Meguru uh 6pm, at takashimaya mall
I'm gonna go with emiko in abit
Me oh, okay sure.
I'll cya then
I got around 30 minutes to be there, so that gives me 15 minutes. Mmm, what to wear. I look through my drawer of clothes, literally messing everything up. I picked up all the selected clothings , and threw them on the bed. Adjusting the long mirror infront of me, i slided some white socks on, with a black mini skirt. A white shirt, with a black vest on top. Letting my hair fall down to the sides, after having it in a bun. I picked up my favourite hand bag, and stuffed in all my essentials like keys, hand sanitizer, travel card etc. I grabbed my favourite lip tint, and added a little on my lips before walking out of the house, connecting my headphones with my phone, currently playing 'hold on tight by aespa'

This what the fit would look like<3

        。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚   𝓂𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓈MeguruMe I might be running a little late, if you could wait for me!Read

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    。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Me I might be running a little late, if you could wait for me!

Istg one day I'll kill this shit for leaving me on read all the time.

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now