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" so you almost kissed?!" Meguru yelled
"Shh not that loud, and I don't know.."
"Do you like him?"
"I DONT KNOW, this is too much for my brain"
"What are you gonna do?"
"I don't even know him that well, maybe it's just a small crush"
"If you say so"
"Now that we're at it" I said smirking
"What about her" he said questioning
"You like her don't you"
"We going on a date next week"
"WHAT?!" I yelled out
"Why didn't u tell me!" I said once again whining
"I was going to! I just didn't know how"
"Tell me ALL the details."

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
"Hey guys" emiko said hugging meguru
"You're finally here"
"Yeah because SOMEONE was taking forever to get ready" Meguru said rolling his eyes
"Dude I didn't know what beachwear to take"
"Where's the others?" I asked
"Koromi went to the mall with miko, to buy bikinis. Nagi and reo are almost here, kunigami chigiri and hana are gonna be a little late"
"Who's hana?" I asked curiously
"Pretty sure that's isagis childhood friend right?" Meguru answered
"Ohh her, I haven't seen her in ages" I said
"Wait you guys know Isagi and hana" Emiko asked
"Uhm that's a story for another time" I said nervously
"She used to date isagi" Meguru whispered in emikos ears, even though i clearly heard it.
"Hes an asshole, anyways who has the parasols?" I asked
"Reo, but I gotta hear the story another time" Emiko answered
"Omgg let's just set the chairs and blankets over there then" we decided to go to the beach today, since winter was right around the corner, and this was something I really wanted to do. We set up the chairs, the food stands, mini refrigerator with drinks inside etc. I had my bikini on, under my short white wavey flower dress. My bikini was a 2 set matching piece, it was pink with different coloured flowers, and it had patterns on it was really cute. After about 20 minutes, we were done setting everything up, we sat down on the blanket, that was placed on the sand. Me, meguru and Emiko started building sand castles.
I ran over to the water with an empty water bottle that I finished earlier. I filled it up with sea water, and ran back to the others.
"Thanks" Meguru and Emiko said in union
They used the water to build the sand castle. I swear we look like 5 year olds right now.
"I can see reo and nagi" Emiko said pointing at them, me and meguru both waved at them.
"Yo bachira" reo said clapping his hand
"Did you get it?" Meguru asked
"Get what" I said, while reo pulled out 2 flasks of vodka from his bag.
"Shits gonna be crazy tonight" Emiko said smiling.
I looked over at nagi who just shrugged and sat down beside me.
"Hi nagi"
"Hey" he said pulling out a lemon juice from the mini refrigerator.
"You guys gon drink before or after swimming?" Nagi said looking up at meguru and reo.
"After obviously I'm not gonna drown today" Meguru replied.
"Yeah we gonna go get some pizzas, cya in bit"
"I'm gonna join you" Emiko said
"Okay see you later then" I said finishing my sand castle.

"Soo what you wanna do now" nagi hummed
"Let's build sand castles" I answered, my eyes focused on the sand.
"That's so childish" he said getting up.
I ignored him, until I saw his clothes falling down next to me, and 2 big hands around my waist.
"What nagi! Let me go" I yelled as I was getting pulled up by him.
I tried getting out of his grip, but I didn't have much luck.
"Nagi! I still have my dress on" i said busting out of laughter, not because it was funny but because his hands were tickling my stomach.
"Cmon y/n it'll be fun" he said laughing, and running towards the water.
I tried punching myself free, but I was kinda scared that I would hit him in the face, so I gave in. I was over his one shoulder, with both his hands around me. As he ran into the water, the cold water splashed on my legs, and before I knew it I was thrown into the water.
He dipped under the water aswell, to get fully wet. I couldn't see him for a few seconds as I was cleaning my face from the salt water, I started panicking abit.
"Nagi" i looked around my surroundings, until something splashed out from the water in front of me.
"Gotcha" he said laughing.
"It's not funny!" I said splashing water on him.
"Awh you were concerned for me?" He replied back, shaking his head, to get the water off. Like a dog.
"Whatever don't do it again, now I don't have anything to wear on my way home" I said dipping half of my face under the water to cool it off, when he jumped up earlier he was only a few centimeters away from my face, which really caught me off guard.
"I bought an extra t-shirt, just wear that" he said smiling.
"Yeah, and walking with only underwear? Sureee, you're so smart" I said rolling my eyes.
"Mhm, tag! You're it" nagi said touching my shoulder, whilst splashing water on me.
"What no fair!" I said swimming after him, he was already far ahead of me.
I was swimming, and running after him for a few minutes now, and the exhaustion started to kick in.
"Time out" I yelled, walking over to him.
"I know you're trying to trick me" he yelled back
"No, I'm really tired I can't anymore" I said with my hands on my knees, he walked slowly over to me as he was convinced.
"You wanna relax for a bit?" He asked
"Yeah- SIKE TAG YOU'RE IT" i said laughing and running for my life, I really thought I tricked him, it was all fun and games until he pulled my hand from behind, making me fall back into him, we both fell over, down on the water, but with me on the ground first, and him over me.
"My back nagi" I whined, with all his weight over me.
"Sorry" he said getting up his face was on the water next to my head so when he pulled his head up it was in front of my face. We had eye contact for a few seconds and I could feel my face getting red as a tomato, I pushed him off of me, and ran back up to our belongings. I removed my soaked dress and hanged it on one of the chairs, nagi was walking up past me, he pulled out a towel and dried his hands and his face. He checked his phone.
"They're texting in the group chat"

Nagi is a simp

Chigiri we're almost there, where are you guys?

Reo We're close to the ice cream shop, on the street but me and meguru, went to get pizzas meet us at the ice cream shop then we'll walk together back
Koromi we're here we can see nagi, and y/n drying them selfs

"Stop laughing nagi, it's not funny" I said accidentally letting out a laugh too
"Yeah totally not funny ofc" he said busting out of laughter.
"Hi nagiii" koromi said jumping on nagi hugging him by the neck.
I turned around to see Miko
"Hi miko, didn't know u were gonna come"
"Hi and Yeah Koromi invited me"
"Ohh okay, well the others are gonna be here in a minute" I said pulling out a drink for her.

                                。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

"Wait so y/n was running down the streets almost naked, and she got the cops called on her?!" Kunigami said laughing
"I WAS BLACKOUT DRUNK OKAY! I don't even remember that happened" I said laughing along with the others.
"Bro everyone tried to stop you, but you literally escaped from us"
"And that's why I don't get drunk on whiskey anymore" I said taking another shot
"I didn't imagine you to turn out to be the person to drink y/n" hana said, she was sitting beside kunigami who had his hand around her shoulder, and she was laying her head on his shoulder.
"Well people change over the years don't they" I replied
"Wait can we talk about how kunigami got the biggest glow up here" reo said
"He did?" Emiko replied
"Yeah don't you guys remember him in 5th grade, here let me show you"
"WHAT NO" kunigami said defensively
"Why do you even have a picture of him" hana said with an eyebrow up.
"I got a picture of my class from the yearbook, and we were in the same class"
"This is boring anyone wanna go in the water with me" I said smiling while getting up
"Are you insane it's dark and the water is freezing cold right now" Meguru said
"And? You'll get warm after moving for a while"
"You're crazy y/n" chigiri said
"I'm coming" nagi said also getting up, and moving out of koromis touch
"Make sure to keep her warm!" Meguru yelled as we were walking, I pulled up my middle finger in the air whilst not looking back.
"I actually don't wanna swim, I just wanted to get away from koromi"
"Cmon it'll be fun, ur words not mine" I said laughing, while trying to walk in a straight line. I'm a light drinker.
"Y/n be careful" nagi said
"Awhh who's concerned now" I said sarcastically
"It's not funny. You're drunk"
"Whatever killjoy" I pulled his hand, and dragged him into the water. We didn't go that deep since it was dark and it could be dangerous. The water was following to our hips. But we decided to sit down, so it would cover us fully. As I was shaking I decided to swim around for abit to get the heat inside of me, nagi followed. After around 10 minutes, I stopped and just sat down, moving my arms with the water.
"Looks like they're having fun" nagi said as we could hear their laughter getting louder.
"Mhmmmm" I hummed in response while laughing.
I decided to move abit closer to nagi hugging him, his body was really warm. I didn't wanna let go.
"Call me Seishiro"
"What" I said, even though I heard him clearly, I just wanted to make sure what I heard was correct.
"Call me Seishiro" he repeated
I pulled away facing him, I couldn't see him that much because of the dark. But I could see him enough, enough to make my cheek turn red. again.
Before I knew it, our lips touched it was like time flew by so fast, I couldn't catch up. This was the alcohol in my system acting up. My hands grabbed his hair, touching it. Playing with. Aggressively. As our tongues were moving synchronically. His hand moved down to my waist, pressing it harder as our tension increased. His other hand was on my jaw, controlling my motion. I pulled back gasping for air as a string of saliva, was connected between us. Only a couple seconds, is what he gave me before pulling back.
He pulled me on top of him, my legs was curled around his hips, as both my hand were now around his neck. And the make out session didn't stop. We were both craving it, and we both didn't wanna stop either. He was slowly pulling his hand under my bikini, when we got interrupted once again.
"GUYS HAVING SEX IN THE WATER CAN GIVE YOU AN INFECTION!!" Meguru yelled as loud as he could. Stopping us both in our tracks. I jumped off him, almost slipping, but caught myself. I looked over at the others to see them laughing in our direction. How awkward! I thought to myself

"Let's go back sei"

𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓪𝓰 - 𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲 𝓼𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now