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It was soon morning, the air around us creating a blanket of mist. We were all readying up our boats to continue our journey down-stream. Celeborn had advised us it would be quicker. We were all lined up, facing Lorien elves who held green fabrics in their hands. They each fastened one around our shoulders with a leaf of Lorien pin. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." Celeborn spoke wisely, stepping back and pulling Aragorn to the side as everyone else began packing the boats up.

I was helping Legolas load one of the boats of weapons and food, as Merry and Pippin watched on. "Lembas- Elvish waybread." Legolas took a small bite of his discovery. "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." He smiled and packed the rest away. I looked to Merry and Pippin, who were nodding at each other. "How many did you eat?" "Four." I laughed at them. Lembas wasn't particularly the most flavourful food, and I tended to avoid it- seeking out food with more protein and sugar, to satisfy my sweet tooth. "You may be in for some stomach ache young hobbits." I smiled to them, before Pippin burped and sighed.

Everyone soon began to board the boats, Frodo and Sam taking the one with Aragorn, and Merry and Pippin with Boromir. I had opted to go with Legolas and Gimli, since both the Mirkwood Prince and I were light-weight. I sat behind the elf, taking one of the oars to help row. The shore was lined with Lorien elves, as they watched us depart. Before we left, we were each given a gift from the Lady Galadriel herself.

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"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." She smiled as the elf pulled back the string and admired the craftsmanship of the weapon. She then moved along to Merry and Pippin, who were eagerly awaiting their gifts. "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage." She comforted the hobbit, who held the dagger uneasily in his small grip.

"And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven rope made of hithlain." He thanked the Elleth but pondered her decision to give him rope, instead of a dagger like his other hobbit companions. She moved to Gimli next, who stood anxiously. "And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?" She questioned. He didn't dare meet her eyes "Nothing." He paused. "Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." He spoke wholeheartedly. Who knew Gimli could speak such kind words? Lady Galadriel laughed at his sentiment, awaiting his true answer to her question. "Actually, uh, there was one thing, no, no, no I'm talking nonsense." He bickered to himself before whispering to the Lady of Light.

"I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear." She spoke to Aragorn, reaching out and ghosting her fingers over the jewel hung around his neck. "For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish." I looked to Aragorn sadly, but could not bear his answer, so I walked off and joined the others in admiring their gifts while the two spoke.

"Y/n, my dear." I heard behind me. I walked over to Galadriel, who held out her hands for me to take. "You already have one of the greatest gifts of all." She spoke softly to me. "What would that be, my lady?" I asked her, and she looked behind me at the others readying the boats. "Company." I smiled and turned to face my friends. Legolas met my eye and I quickly turned away. She smiled and pulled something out her pocket. A box made of the finest wood and silk in Lorien. "I cannot accept anything else from you, my lady. These fixes to my ranger outfit were enough, as well as that new outfit." I was taken aback. I had my ranger outfit fixed up from the rips and tears it had formed. Though she didn't respond, instead taking my hand and placing the box inside. I opened it slowly, where inside, a ring made of the most beautiful gems was placed. I looked up at her, awaiting answers. "Your mother gave it to me many years ago, as a sign of gratitude and fellowship. It is yours now."

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