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"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes. A fool... but an honest fool he remains." Gandalf spoke to the King, who paced uneasily in the great hall. "He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring. We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith." He continued, as we all stood around the fire in the middle of the room. "His defeat at Helm's Deep showed the enemy one thing. He knows the heir of Elendil has come forth. Men are not as weak as he supposed." Speaking towards Aragorn. "There is courage still, strength enough perhaps to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of Middle-earth uniting under one banner." He paused before speaking up. "He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a king return to the throne of Men. If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war." The room became silent again. I stared at the fire, avoiding making conversation about the matter. "Tell me, why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gondor?" Theoden spoke, as uncertain gazes were passed around us. I was about to speak up, until Aragorn did "I will go." "No!" Gandalf cut him off. "They must be warned." The ranger argued with him. "They will be." Gandalf exchanged a few words with him then turned back to us.

"Understand this, things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith, and I won't be going alone." He turned to the small hobbits, setting his sights on the one that saw the future plan.

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While the Hobbits followed Gandalf and Aragorn, I stuck around helping the soldiers gear up their horses. I was saddling up some weapons when Legolas joined me. He threw me a smile as he lifted a bag onto the back of the steed. "Does that still make you a Princess?" He smiled, throwing me a mischievous smirk. I huffed a laugh. "My Kingdom is spent, and the subjects have long passed, but it's still in my blood, so perhaps." I smiled at him. "It seems our titles match, then." He swiftly turned around and left, leaving me speechless. Heat rose up my neck and to my face. I should have never told him, I scolded myself, but inside, I laughed at his antics.

After readying a few of the horses, I watched as Gandalf fled on Shadowfax, accompanied by a hobbit. I'm sure they would be successful on their journey. If they were to return, I did not know. Perhaps we would have to ride to them.

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Time has passed slower than anticipated, as we all waited for news of Gandalf. Everyone was crowded in the hall, the King going over strategies with his men. I sat on one of the tables with Gimli and Legolas standing beside me. There was a silent bicker among us but that was disturbed by Aragorn, throwing open the doors and shouting. "The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" He approached the King. "And Rohan will answer. Master the Rohirrim!" Everyone rushed out and towards their horses.

I helped Merry saddle his own, smaller, horse. I pulled it along while he rode. I then caught up to Legolas and Gimli, jumping on the horse that the elf was pulling along beside them. It was a beautiful steed, light grey in colour with a darker mane.

We continued riding on, rarely stopping for rest until we came to our destination. We were posted on the outskirts of Gondor, all the men that could be gathered, were. Theoden had commanded that his guards look for as many men they could find, able to fight. A merely six thousand had shown up as of yet. We were unmatched, destined to lose this battle unless some miracle pulled through. The King and his best set up camp at the top of the mountain ahead of us, with the soldiers making tents and starting fires below.

"The horses are restless... and the men are quiet." Legolas spoke to Eomer, as I tied away my horse. "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain." He looked towards an eerie passage through the mountain. "That road there... where does that lead?" Gimli asked. "It is the road of the Dimholt, the door under the mountain." Legolas replied, keeping a steady gaze on the road. "None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." Eomer commented, spooking the Dwarf a little.

Evening had set in, and all the soldiers were either fast asleep or wide awake, anxious for their journey at dawn. I decided to stay out in the open, since there was no tent to accommodate me, and the one Eowyn used was too small, and she was currently with Merry. It would feel rude to intrude. Legolas came to sit beside me. "Are you not cold out here?" He asked and I looked to him. "I would rather stay cold than share a tent with someone who I did not know." I smiled to him. "And with someone you did know?" He questioned while standing up, holding his hand out. "Perhaps I would rethink." I accepted his hand and he pulled me up.

Gimli walked over to us, nudging Legolas about his comment, just as Aragorn also approached. He was leading his saddled horse along. "Just where do you think you're off to?" Gimli asked, nosily. "Not this time. This time you must stay, Gimli." Legolas joined the rangers other side. "Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of dwarves?" He asked, smirking. "You might as well accept it. We're going with you, laddie." I pulled along my horse beside Legolas.
"Y/N, you should stay." Aragorn spoke to me. "I am not leaving you, Aragorn. I may be a woman, and not nearly as strong as some of the men here, but I have followed you through thick and thin. Don't give up on me now." I whispered to him. He placed his hand on my cheek, smiling at me. "You are anything but weak, my friend. Any man should be lucky to have you on their side, I apologise." He continued smiling, throwing a look to Legolas who swiftly turned away.

I noticed, before we left, that Eowyn had a somber look on her face, as if telling me I was lucky to be going with the others. She had told me that the women of Rohan were forbidden to follow the men into battle. It was seen as 'unnatural' in a way. I felt sorry for her. Though I knew her more than the others. She would find a way to follow her uncle into battle. I was sure of that.

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As we readied our horses and set out for the mountain pass, murmurs were heard among the men. Questions of our whereabouts floated in the air. The men looked betrayed as they watched us ride away. "Lord Aragorn!" Was all we heard from the distancing guards.

Aragorn had told us of an army that lived within the mountain. "What kind of army would linger in such a place?" Gimli had asked him, though Legolas answered "One that is cursed." I glanced at him as he began recalling a memory. "Long ago, the Men of the Mountains swore an oath to the last king of Gondor to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge." It seemed to get colder the more he spoke, and the closer we got to the entrance. "Who shall call them from the grey twilight? The forgotten people. The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. From the north shall he come. Need shall drive him. He shall pass the door to the Paths of the Dead." The Elf concluded.

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We soon reached an incline so we had to step down from our horses and continue on foot. "The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away." Gimli spoke with wary as we approached a dark entrance way. "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut." Legolas read the hieroglyphs above the door, and as soon as he did, a gust of wind pushed past us, scaring our horses off. "I do not fear death." Aragorn walked in with power, followed by Legolas. "Well, this is a thing unheard-of. An Elf will go underground where a Dwarf dare not? Oh, I'd never hear the end of it!" He mumbled to himself and followed them in. I looked back once more, before venturing in with them.

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This is the author speaking now. I just wanted to ask what you all think of this book so far? I have been doubting myself for choosing to write in first person as it makes me feel like I'm just quoting the whole movies through y/n. But alas, I'm too far in now to change anything. Just wanted some different perspectives on if :)

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