Part One

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- Taehyung's POV -

I watched her from across the room.

Her long brown hair trailed down her back and ended with small curls as she hummed along to the song that played in her ears. The mug of hot chocolate she made sat next to her on the desk, I glanced down at my empty mug then stood up.

'Hey, lets go!'

She turned around, pulled her earphones out and looked at me with her blue puppy dog eyes, 'Where are we going?'

I closed her laptop and grinned, 'It's a surprise.' I took her hand and led her to the front door, she wrapped her scarf around her neck and I grabbed her coat, she extended her arms and I slipped on each sleeve. She wasn't bossy, I just liked doing things for her, as did she for me. I grabbed the keys off the front table and placed them in my pocket before I slipped my Vans on. She put on the Vans I had bought her for her 19th birthday, she picked up my gloves as well as hers, then took my hands and put them on me before she put on hers. I grabbed her hand and we both left the warmth and entered the cold air that now surrounded us.

She was never the one to leave when it was cold, that's how I knew she loved me.

I unlocked the car and we piled in, quickly turning on the heat. She reached out to the radio and switched it on, she liked any type of music and didn't mind what station it was on, so I got to choose the music every time.

I backed out of the driveway with her bouncing lightly to the beat of the song that played on the radio, I smiled.

'You know you're really childish, right?' I laughed.

She stopped bouncing and gave me an 'excuse me?' look before continuing to bounce along with the beat, 'You're just not fun.'

'Hey! Yes I am! I'm fun!' I laughed, she closed her eyes pretending not to hear me and continued moving to the song.

I snaked my hand over and grabbed hers, she accepted my hand but still playfully ignored me. Our gloved fingers linked and I rubbed her hand with my thumb.

Moments passed and we had arrived at our destination.

'Okay, close your eyes.' I said as I playfully covered her eyes, she groaned and pulled my hand away.

'They're closed! I don't need your hand covering my face!' she laughed as the corners of her mouth rose to a smile. I helped her out of the car, grabbed the bag and my duck beanie from the back seat, and lead her towards a wide open space covered in ice. The stain layer of snow crunched beneath our feet with every step we took, our icy breaths swirled as we exhaled. The space was surrounded by tall trees making it almost impossible to be found. It was cold, but we kept each other close for warmth.

'I know where we are!' she said, excited.

'I guess that ruins the surprise then...'

'But...why are we here?' she turned to me, her eyes wide open.

I raised the bag at eyes height, 'Okay, cool, a bag? Thanks, Mr. Ducky,' she laughed and grabbed the bag off me, opening it. Her eyes shot back to me, 'No way!'

'Yes way!'

'What are we waiting for?!'

Excited, we both carefully walked through the snow and over to a rock, we both sat down and pulled out the two pairs of ice skates.

'Here, let me.' I said as I knelt down in front of her and helped her take off her shoes.

'I can do it myself, you know? I'm not as childish as you think!' she smiled.

'Yeah, yeah. I know, I just want to help you!' I grinned at her with my eyes closed before slipping the ice skates on, I did one lace as she did the other.

'It's been forever,' she sighed, 'I didn't think we would ever come back here. But it's nice, I'm glad.' She smiled down at me.

'Why wouldn't we come back here? We met here!' I beamed up at her glowing face.

'But you- uh, you know the story!' She laughed. She was right, we didn't meet under the best circumstances, but we met, and that was it. That's all I cared about on that day.

I got back up and put my skates on, she waited on the ice before taking my hand.

She took the lead and pulled me from behind, she was much better at skating than I was, but that didn't stop me from racing in front and spinning around to face her.

'You're a lot better than the first time,' she said with a giggle, 'have you been practicing?'

'Maybe I have,' I said as I circled her, 'maybe I haven't!'

She laughed and shot ahead of me, the lake was big. I chased behind her trying to keep my balance.

'You can't catch me Mr. Duck!' she teased, looking back at me struggling, 'You do realize you need to glide and not run, Taehyung!'

'I know that!' I said as I began to glide along the ice, and tried not to actually run.

Minutes later, puffed, and out of breath, we both met in the middle. She skated towards me and I caught her, stopping her from moving any further. Our arms lowered and I placed my hand in my right pocket, lightly rubbing against the small box.

'Thank you, Taehyung. This was a really nice surprise,' she whispered, 'even though I'm freezing!' she laughed and lightly punched my arm. I pretended to slip, acting like her punch actually did some damage.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa! I could've fallen over and-'

A loud bang in the distance thundered and a sharp pain stung my head, sending waves of numbness throughout my body.

The last thing I saw was her horrified face which shattered my heart, I couldn't care less about the pain I felt, I just wanted her to be safe. But my wish for her safety was short lived as I fell into complete and utter darkness.

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