Part Thirteen

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- Alli's POV -

Waking up to my parents in the morning was what I longed for.

I loved having them home, having them around. They were so happy that we were all together again.

But I still felt that something was off, I felt empty despite my parents being home. No matter how hard I tried to push him to the back of my mind he just kept reappearing. I didn't want to keep feeling like this, part of me didn't want him in my life anymore despite the memories we shared together.

I don't know why I breath, it's taking too long for me. I just wanted the process to speed up, but it wasn't. I just wanted to tear everything down and burn my way around the brightest memory of him before the accident, his old self was fading fast and it was breaking my heart.

I sat on my bedroom floor staring at the pictures sprawled out on my carpet, the memories slowly began to dissipate as time went by without him. It was almost a month since I've talked to any of the boys, they were practising for their upcoming shows so I didn't want to disturb them. Namjoon was the last I had talked to, Jin hadn't even tried calling me. I could feel us both drifting away from each other, I didn't mind because Taehyung would never remember me anyway. What we had was gone now and I want to move on. But something, something deep down kept me hoping, kept me waiting and gave me faith although I denied that feeling.

No more.

I pulled the pictures together and put them back in the box, I stared at the contents which varied from pictures, to little notes, small dried flowers he had given to me before we dated, a stone we found by the river that he thought was pretty, a shell he found at the beach and gave to me, but my eyes rested on his diary. I wanted him to read it, the way he spoke about me in it was so passionate, he really really did love me.

My phone vibrated and rang, snapping me out of my dazed state.

Incoming Call from Jin

I blinked, checking to see if I wasn't dreaming. Finally! But why? What do I say?

'H-hello?' I said, nervous.

'I can't explain right now, but I'm on my way! Get ready quick!' he sounded excited, so excited.

I quickly threw on my winter coat and ran down the stairs.

'I'll be back soon!' I yelled through the house.

'Where are you going? I've just started making dinner.' my mom yelled back, poking her head around the corner, she looked concerned.

'A friend is just picking me up, I don't know when I'll be home, sorry!' I said as I slipped on my Vans, wrapped my scarf around my neck and pulled my gloves on. I heard Jin's truck outside.

'See you later!' I yelled back to my parents.

'Okay, honey! Have a good time!'

I was out the door and into the cold, Jin's window was down, he looked at me with excitement in his eyes and gestured me to hurry up. I ran down the driveway, avoiding the slippery frost, and got in his truck.

'Why are we in such a rush? What's going on? We haven't talked in a month and you expect me to go with you just like that?'

'Yes! Just like that! Don't ask questions!' He laughed as he sped off.

'At least put your seatbelt on!' I said, he was speeding which made me nervous.

He glanced at me, 'You put your seatbelt on!'

'I am!' I said as I pulled the belt around my body and clicked it in, secure.

Jin began driving with one hand as he pulled his belt around him, 'Hands on the wheel.' I stated and grabbed the belt from his hand and clicked it in as well.

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