Part Eleven

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[A/N: The photo is basically how everyone is feeling now, worn out. Even I am, this is frustrating!]

- Alli's POV -

As I held my phone in my hands I throughly thought.

I dialled Namjoon's number and waited for him to answer.

'Why haven't you been answering me? Where are you?' He said, not even a hello.

'I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm at home, and so are my parents. I can't just leave.' I explained. He sighed and the line went silent.

'He still isn't awake, I'll text you when he is. Drop by whenever.' He hung up.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes in thought, life was just getting harder and harder, every little thing that happened had a huge effect on my emotions and mentality.

I couldn't handle it, but I was doing my best.

'Honey!' My mom called from downstairs, I quickly changed from my sweatpants to my skinny jeans and put on a light coat.

'I'm coming!' I said as I closed my door and went down the stairs.

'Your father and I are making pancakes for a late lunch.'

The last time we ate together was months ago, my dad was always at work, mom wasn't even in the country, and I was alone. So I would always either go out with the boys or have them, or just Taehyung, come over for dinner.

We used to act like an old married couple when Taehyung came over for dinner.

Shopping for groceries, just us two. Then him driving us back to my house and cooking up a storm, none of us really knew how to cook a proper meal, we just guessed and ate whatever we made. Some nights the food was good, but most nights....we ended up ordering pizza, Chinese, or Korean.

It's like my parents were missing out on everything in my life, they had no idea.

'Dumpling?' My dad questioned as he made the pancake mixture, I snapped back to reality and rested my eyes on his concerned face, 'are you okay? You seem a bit dazed.'

'I'm fine, I just woke up!' I grinned and sat at the bench, my mom had set up the maple syrup, berries, ice cream, bananas and chocolate sauce already. My parents exchanged smiles and rested their warm faces on me.

'We're so happy to be a family again.' My mom smiled.

I was happy too.

Taehyung could wait.

- Taehyung's POV -

Finally, I emerged from the darkness.

My vision was blurry and the lights were bright. I saw her standing across the room, crying. I groaned her name and blinked immensely, she disappeared just like a dream, once again.

'Round two, huh?' The doctor smirked as he approached me and inspected the injuries on my face.

'I don't even know what happened, I don't remember anything.' I groaned, half asleep.

'Ah, I was afraid of that. But you'll be in tip top shape in no time though. Oh and the last time you were here we accidentally misplaced your coat as well as your beanie, if you would like that back? A nurse will bring them in soon.' He smiled at me.

The last time I was here?

I looked at the boys, confused. They looked back at me concerned.

'Where did she go?' I asked, slurring my words. Confusion washed over the doctors face, he had no idea who I was talking about.

'The girl that was there,' I pointed, 'where is she?'

Namjoon stepped forward, 'There's no girl here?'

'The pizzeria girl?' Yoongi asked. What? Pizzeria girl?

'N-no? Well, yeah we went to the pizzeria three months ago?' I was so confused, why were they confused?

'We didn't go three months ago...' Yoongi said as he exchanged glances with the others. The doctor finished off a few notes in the folder, put it on the table next to my bed then left.

'Taehyung,' Jimin said as he stepped forward, 'what's the last thing you remember?'

The last thing I remember?

'Um...' My mind reeled, 'The mid-winter carnival? Did something happen to me there? And where is she?!' I demanded.

- Namjoon's POV -

The mid-winter carnival...

I stepped towards his bed and slowly sat down, the other guys came closer and I looked at Taehyung.

'Taehyung...' I began, I didn't know how to say this without freaking him out, 'that was two years ago.'

His face was in complete and utter shock. His breathing fastened, as did the beeping of the machine. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Jimin who was sitting on the other side of the bed biting his nails. Hoseok sighed loudly and covered his face and Yoongi leaned against the wall with his head lowered.

He woke up two years in the past.

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