Part Seven

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- Taehyung's POV -

I slipped on a white t-shirt and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, all I saw was a stranger.

I can' hardly remember you, how can they expect me to remember her?

I widened my eyes and squished my cheeks, pulling different faces each time I blinked. Sighing, I lowered my head and gripped the bathroom sink. The pizzeria? Seriously?

I was not looking forward to this date, not at all.

'Leaving in 10 minutes!' A muted voice said as they banged on the bathroom door.

'I'm coming.' I assured them. I did my hair, brushed my teeth, and went back into my room. Namjoon and Yoongi were in there waiting for me, Jungkook was still getting ready and rummaged through my closet, he pulled out a leather jacket and slipped it on.

'I do remember that the leather jacket is mine, Jungkook.' I said as I extended my hand to him, he sighed and took it off before throwing it in my direction. 'Thanks.'

I put each arm in the sleeves but something felt off. I just felt alone.

I shook my head and walked into the main area of the dorm. Hoseok slumped over the couch.

'Are you ready yet? I want pizza!' He complained, I shrugged and grabbed my boots.

'Alright, let's go!' Jin announced, the boys ran ahead of me and out the door, their cheers and laughter echoed, but I walked behind, unamused and irritated.

- 10 minutes later -

We flooded out of Jin's truck, the others ran straight for the door but Jin and I just stood there. I didn't want to be seen in there, no way.

'Come on,' Jin tugged on my arm, 'she's waiting for us.'

'She can wait longer, can't she?' I said, with no intention of wanting an answer. I slipped my hands into my leather jacket pockets and exhaled, trying to get rid of the annoyance this place was already causing me.

'Alright, let's get this over with.'

Jin stepped in front of me and pushed my chest, 'Look, don't be a dick, okay?' He rose his hand to my face, he was holding a photo.

'Look at it,' He stated, I looked away and saw her through the window sitting at the table with the guys who were already devouring the pizza, 'look, Taehyung.'

Giving in, my eyes returned to the photo. It was her and I, once again. We both had wide smiles and looked at each other side on while showing the camera our pizza slices almost the same size as our faces.

'Look at how happy you were, despite the greasy pizza and the snotty kids running around. You loved her and came here with her for a reason, you loved her. And dammit it was your idea to meet her here in the first place.'

'I know I did! I loved her okay! But I can't now! Something is stopping me from remembering and I think it may be for the better!' I was almost yelling, the frustration and continuous confusion built up inside me. Jin tensed, he put the photo back in his pocket, lowered his head and pointed to the glass door.

'Just hurry up and get inside before I beat the crap out of you.'

- Alli's POV -

I watched them from the window, their discussion seemed a bit heated which made me worry. I didn't want him to be angry, not now, not today, not after our frozen yogurt date. He was starting to remember, starting to actually like me, I didn't want to ruin that.

I lowered my head and played with my fingers nervously, Taehyung walked through the doors in a huff. He looked intimidating with his leather jacket, white shirt, black skinny jeans, and boots. He only wore those clothes for photo shoots and music video shoots, not when we were together.

For old times sake, and because they hadn't seen them, I had pulled out the pictures we took the first day we met here. The boys laughed as they looked through the pictures, taking bites from their pizzas and sips from their soft drinks.

Taehyung sat next to me, as all the other seats were taken, Jin walked in and pulled a chair over. He didn't look like he was in a very good mood, he sat across from me with the other boys and made no eye contact with Taehyung at all, he didn't even look at me either.

I could feel the tension radiating from both of them, I couldn't help but feel bothered by it.

'Uh, pizza?' I smiled and offered Taehyung a slice, he shook his head and continued to look around the place. There were kids everywhere, their parents chasing after them, trying to get them clean, it was loud but cosy. I don't think it was the noise that irritated Taehyung and Jin, it was each other. I put the plate down, he never rejected food from me, even if he didn't want it he never wanted me to feel rejected by him, ever.

But that's all I seemed to feel like lately, rejected.

The way he was now, he was no way ready to see the pictures of us together. I thought it would make him even more annoyed, and I didn't want that to happen. As the boys took more slices and stared at the closed curtain waiting for the robot animals to start their show I slowly slid the pictures from their side of the table, to mine, and into my lap. Taehyung tilted his head to my lap and looked at me.

'What are those?' he asked, I froze, I didn't want to show him, he wasn't ready to see them yet.

'It's, uh, just the colouring in page the boys did while you and Jin were outside! I just didn't want them to get it dirty, so I'll put it in my bag...' I faked a half smile, colouring in page?! What the hell was I thinking! He would never have believed that!

'Alright.' Taehyung said as his eyes rested on one of the workers, she was walking around with a jar of lollipops, Taehyung waved her down and she came running, 'I'll take one,' he said before reaching into the jar, she smiled at him with excitement in her eyes. She knew who he was.

'Thanks.' He winked, she battered her eye lashes and sighed.

'N-no problem, V!' she said before running off.

He smirked and pulled the wrapper off the lollipop.

I never called him by his stage name, "V", that's just not how I knew him. A few times throughout the duration of our relationship he did want me to call him V just for fun, I couldn't, it was just weird to me.

But I think he liked it.

I think he liked her.

[A/N: Quickly wrote this up! I can totally imagine the boys pigging out on greasy pizza and jumping up and down waiting for the robot animal show to start, the visual is just too real XD thank you for reading!]

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