Part Two

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- Taehyungs POV-

'The surgery was successful, but...' I heard a mans voice speak through a loud ringing in my ears. I moved my head as an attempt to stretch but the pain was back and shot through my body. I groaned and slowly began to open my eyes. They creaked apart and a bright light filled my view, stunned, I shielded my eyes with my hand.

I was finally out of the darkness.

My eyes traveled around the room and rested on a girl standing at the end of my bed talking to a doctor, she was crying and covering her face. The doctor noticed my movements and rushed to my side.

'Kim Taehyung, yes?'

'Yes, that's me,' I answered, confused, 'W-what happened?'

'You were in an accident,' he began, 'it has been assumed that a hunter in the area mistook your duck beanie for a real duck. I know that sounds crazy, but it's all the police have to say at this moment.' The doctor paused for a moment before sighing, he averted his eyes away from me.

'They couldn't find who shot you, but I assure you they will.'

I nodded and the doctor smiled at me.

'How long was I out for?' I asked.

'You have been in a coma for two days, but we've been keeping an eye on you so there's nothing to worry about.' The doctor smiled and trailed on but I zoned out and stared at the girl who was sobbing at the other side of my room. I didn't know her, she was a mess and I didn't want her in my room.

'Excuse me, but who is she?' I asked quietly.

'Oh,' the doctor began, 'I assume she is a friend of yours? She's been here for the whole three days, even sleeping by your side.'

I shook my head, 'I've never seen her before.'

- Alli's POV-

'I've never seen her before.' Taehyung spoke as he shook his head and stared at me with a confused look. Tears streamed down my face. It felt like a dream, a never ending dream. My mind was hazy, my eyes were heavy, I felt weak, as if the whole world was crumbling beneath my feet. I grabbed my coat and left, I didn't even want to explain to him that we are together, that we were together.

'Miss?' the doctor said as he followed me out the door, closing it behind him.

'It's going to take some time for him to remember everything.'

'Is there anything you can do?' I said through sobs, I didn't want to talk.

'No, we have prescribed him with pills to ease the pain and suggest he speak to an occupational therapist. But what you can do is to spend time with him, help him remember what was lost, re-live your memories with him, show him pictures and videos of what his personality was like before the accident. This is the best advice I can give to you.'

He cared. I could see that he cared, but there wasn't anything medication could do to help get Taehyung's memory back.

'Thank you.' I said as I forced a smile through tears and walked away.

I couldn't stand straight, all I wanted to do was fall, I was unaware of the fast paced world that surrounded me. I felt so disconnected from life, everyone was moving so fast but I stayed still, frozen in time and unable to escape. My thoughts carried me away, I didn't realise the group of boys running straight towards me.

'Excuse us!' One boy said as he lightly pushed me to the side in a hurry. I snapped out of my dazed state and crashed into one of the boys, I fell back but he caught me in time.

'Sorry!' He apologised, I was in shock, and frightened.

'Oh, Alli, it's you!' He helped me back on my feet, 'is he okay? Is he awake yet?'

'Jin... Yeah, he's awake.'

'Why aren't you with him?' He asked, concerned.

'H-he,' I choked, 'he doesn't remember me.' My eyes watered once more, tears flowed down my cheeks and Jin pulled me close to him in a hug, 'A part of his brain was punctured by the bullet, some of his memories are gone and there's a possibility that his personality has changed as well.' I said between sobs and heavy breathing.

'Come,' he said as he let go and grabbed my hand, leading me back to his room, 'we need to explain everything.'

'No!' I cried, pulling my hand away from his, 'he won't believe us, it's just better if I stay away right now.'

'Are you sure?' He asked, I nodded and began to turn around. He lightly gripped my arm and spun me back to face him.

'We'll talk to him. Maybe it's best to let him adjust to everything right now, but we will talk to him about you.'

I wriggled my arm out of his hand, forced a smile, and left.

I could feel Taehyung falling away from me.

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