Part Six

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- Jin's POV -

'You seem to have made a good impression,' I began as I held the phone to my ear smiling, 'he's still confused about everything though.'

'Then we need to work harder.' She stated, she was so determined to get him back, but stayed a fair distance away so he could ease into her.

'What's your next memory? The second lot of pictures you took together?'

'I don't have them on me right now, but if I remember correctly...' The phone went silent for a few moments.

'We went to the Pizzeria.'

'I remember that!' I laughed as my mind returned to that moment in time, 'we all received an urgent text from Taehyung saying he was in some sort of trouble. Without thinking we left the company building and literally ran across town to a kids pizza place just because you two couldn't decide on a pizza flavour so you bought two whole pizzas and couldn't eat them yourselves...'

'Hey! We said we were sorry! And don't blame me, you ran when you could've just drove.' She laughed. I knew the memory was playing inside her head, I could tell she was smiling but I could sense sadness.

'We have a few hours break, I'm coming over, okay?'

'Okay, see you soon.' She hung up.

- Alli's POV -

I waited in the lounge with the record player in the background, I liked to have sound in the background to not feel so alone.

Jin pulled into the driveway, I got up from the window and opened the door. He smiled at me as he walked towards the front porch.

'Quickly! It's cold!' I shivered. It was frosty outside, just like every other day. I had the fire going.

'Are your parents never home?' He questioned, it's true, they never were. But I'm an adult, I can handle being alone.

To an extent.

'My dad works around the clock, he's in demand a lot, I think he just sleeps at work most of the time now,' I answered, closing the door behind Jin. He took off his coat and unwrapped his scarf before placing it on the coat hanger.

'And your mom?'

'She travels for work, that's why we always traveled when I was younger. But since my dad landed a secure job here, she just goes alone, well with her colleagues of course.'

'I'm sorry to hear that.'

'No, honestly, it doesn't bother me. I do appreciate their hard work though, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them.'

'Well, you are right about that one!' Jin laughed, I caught on and went in to punch his arm, but stopped. The last time I punched someone, they got shot, I guess that just stayed with me.

'So, what are we doing?' I asked.

'Like I said before, we need to sort out each memory with the photos. Do you have videos as well?' He lightly grabbed my arm and began walking up the stairs to my room where the photos were still sprawled on my bedroom floor.

'I have a few, they're on my laptop. I want to show him some, so he can see the way we were together, the way he acted, and the way he looked at me.'

'He's stubborn. He won't come around just because of a few videos, he needs to actually fall in love again,' Jin said, I gulped.

'He needs to learn to love again.'


Jin sat on the floor beside my bed and looked at all the photos, I sat on the bed and watched Jin as his eyes darted. He brought his hand to his chin and bit his lip, he was thinking hard. I laid down onto my stomach and looked at all the photos ahead of me. I wasn't sad anymore, I was just as confused as Taehyung. I didn't know where our relationship would go.

'So here's the frozen yogurt...' Jin mumbled, 'and here's the pictures from the pizzeria, there's a lot!' He laughed as he picked up a photo of us, mouths wide open filled with pizza.

'I don't even remember taking this!' He said as he held the photo up to me.

'You know, that was our first photo together?' I smiled, almost as soon as we both said hello to each other we became the best of friends. He laughed again and put it back on the floor, still looking at it.

'I actually might have to keep that one, it is pure gold! Ah, anyway, back to work.' His smiled diminished, he pushed all the pizzeria pictures to the side and grabbed a new pile.

I grabbed a piece of paper from my bedside table and looked at the list I had written.

Frozen yogurt.
Mid-winter carnival.

'That's it! The Mid-Winter carnival!' I said as I quickly took my place next to Jin on the floor, 'do you remember? We went as one big group!'

'I am not going back there again! That creepy clown guy chased me!'

'He wasn't chasing you!' I laughed, 'you won a game but forgot to get your prize. He was giving it to you but you darted off!'

'Oh, yeah. I never did end up getting that prize...'

'Well, I think you'll have to go get another one then.' I grinned up at him. He squinted his eyes at me before cracking a laugh.

- The next day -
- Taehyung's POV -

'The pizzeria?' I laughed, 'isn't that for kids?'

'Yeah, but it's where your next memory with her is.' Jin forced a smile.

'You can't be serious...they have automatic dancing animal suits!' I looked at Jin in disbelief, 'I must've been really childish before the accident,' I shook my head as my eyes rested on the ground in thought.

'she must be really childish.' A ring was sent through my mind and crashed against the wall which trapped my memories. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head back to reality.

'Come on, you gotta get ready.'

I looked up at Jin and sighed, he was serious about the pizzeria.

I was beginning to think I didn't like the old me.

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