Part Sixteen

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- Taehyung's POV -

Months had passed and our tour was over. We were back home.

'Taehyung,' our manager spoke as he popped his head through the practice room door, 'I just got off the phone with your doctor, you have a check up tomorrow at 9am. I'll have a driver ready to take you over in the morning.'

'Okay, thank you.' I bowed, he left and closed the door, leaving me and my reflection. I was the only one in the practise room, lately I had just wanting to be alone with my thoughts.

I turned on my phone and scrolled through the messages, there weren't any from her. It's like we were nothing to eachother, but then why would I have given her my journal that I wrote specifically about her?

I saw her number in my phone, tempted to text or call, but I didn't. If she wanted to talk to me then she would have already.

'Whats up?' Jin said awkwardly as he walked in.

'Nothing, just trying to remember what happened. Same old.' I answered and slipped my phone back in my pocket.

'Uh, Taehyung. I think it's time you knew something,' Jin lowered his eyes, 'we've been trying to hold off, but we just can't anymore.'

'What are you talking about?' I asked.

'Taehyung, don't freak out, but you have a girlfriend.' Jin blurted out. I was in shock, my heart fell to the pit of my stomach and ached.

'I have...I have a girlfriend? Who?! Why didn't you tell me earlier!' I grew angry.

'Who? Who's your girlfriend? You really don't remember even after I told you?' Jin said as he stepped forward, he began to get angry as well, 'I think she should tell you the rest. Come on.'

Jin lead me to his car and I got in. Without a word we drove to a house, it looked familiar, and old memory reeled and I could remember backing out of this driveway on a cold day. But that was it, nothing else.

'Whos house is this?' I asked, I didn't want to go inside, I didn't want to leave his truck.

'Just go, knock on the door.' Jin forced, he wasn't looking at me.

I sighed loudly and opened the door, it was cold, just like that day. A familiar feeling came over me as I walked up the driveway and to the door. I raised my fist to the door and knocked, I stepped back with my hands gripping each other from behind my body. The door opened and there stood an older woman, please let this not be my girlfriend.

'Hello? Can I help you?' She spoke, she didn't know me. I looked back at Jin who was sitting in his truck and urged me to continue.

'Uh, yes, I am looking for...Alli...' I said with a questioning tone.

'Oh! You must be a friend from school, she said something about a study group, but that isn't until later tonight. She's at work right now, but I can tell her you dropped by?' She smiled warmly.

'Okay, thank you.' I nodded and began to walk away.

'What was your name?' She asked.

'Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.' I bowed and went back to Jin.

'She wasn't there.' I said disappointed. Jin sighed, started the truck, and backed out of the driveway.

- Alli's POV -

'Thats the last of it,' my colleague beamed as she threw the last of the trash out, 'do you need any help with cleaning the dog cages? I could stay behind if you want.' She smiled at me.

'No, no, it's fine! You go to your party!' I smiled, I could tell she didn't want to stay behind anyway. She had been trying to get out of work all day so she could get ready for the party early.

'Are you sure?' She asked.

I laughed and lightly pushed her arm, 'I'm sure! Just go!'

'You're the best!' She gave me a hug and ran off squealing, 'the best!' She yelled back and ran to her car.

I picked up a bag from around the counter and made my way to the dog cages, new puppies were born and made a lot of mess so I had to clean up after them almost 24/7. To get my mind off things I volunteered for extra hours after my work hours to take care of them, as did he.

'Has she ran off to her party?' He smiled, appearing out of nowhere and giving me a fright. His deep blue eyes shot me a warm stare, his blue eyes were darker than mine but more mesmerising.

'Yeah,' I beamed as I knelt down by the puppies cage, 'it's just me and the puppies tonight!'

'I've volunteered for a few more hours tonight as well,' He smiled and knelt beside me, beginning to open the cage, 'the puppies can't be the only ones keeping you company.'

He was no Taehyung, and I had no intention to replace Taehyung. But since he was slipping away from me fast, why not try with another guy? I couldn't keep waiting for Taehyung to come back around. Time was running out, as was my hope. just happened, I could feel something happening between us. He was in no way shape or form a back up, random hook up, replacement, or a guy I could fall back on if things never worked out between Taehyung and I.

I smiled up at him and playfully shoved a plastic bag in his hands, 'You clean the puppies, and I'll clean the dogs.'

'No fair! The puppies are naughty! And smell bad.' He laughed.

'You chose to volunteer tonight!' I laughed and opened the dogs cage, letting out the puppies parents so I could clean their pen. They were big dogs and still very playful for their mature age, they reminded me of how Taehyung and I would be immature with each other.

While he was still a trainee, before we started dating, he volunteered a few hours with me at nights. We would both play with the dogs, there weren't any puppies, but there were dogs small enough to pass as puppies. His eyes would always light up when he saw them and shoot his eyes to mine with excitement, I would always laugh and allow him to let them out. He would always get so giddy when they ran between his legs and untied his shoelaces. I missed that, but I had to learn to accept that we were over.

'Are you okay?' He interrupted, already with his bag full of newspapers which the puppies had used, 'you just seem so out of it, is there something bothering you?' He put the bag down and walked towards me.

'No, nothing's wrong. I just remembered an old memory.' I forced a smile and returned my focus to cleaning the dogs pen.

'Was it a bad memory? You can tell me if something's eating at you.' He placed his hand on my back, it felt nice.

I turned back to him and smiled, 'It was a good memory, a really good memory.'

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