Part Twenty

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- Taehyung's POV -

I needed a fresh start. That was all I wanted, although it was much too late.

I still felt hopeful, I could win her back, but him, Taesung, he was in the way of me getting back to her. I didn't want to ruin what they had together, I didn't want to eliminate him completely. I'm guessing he was there for her when I didn't remember to be there for her, so their bond was probably quite strong. But do I want to win her back? Do I even like her?

Jin was still silent, avoiding me once again. He had been gone for most of the day and came back at around 6:30pm, I didn't want to talk to him about everything that was happening. Three guys liked her, well two? Three? I still wasn't sure that I did, of course I did as a friend and I felt that her and I could be something more, well we did have something more, but I just couldn't remember.

I found myself pacing a lot and thinking too hard. I just wanted to remember everything again. I rummaged through my wardrobe, I didn't know what I was looking for, something, anything to help me spark my memory. Something that could be connected to her or a memory of us together, I wanted to love her again but I couldn't. I was still confused and unsure of what to do.

'What are you doing?' Yoongi asked as he walked in the room.

'Making a mess is what he's doing!' Hoseok said as he walked past the door, laughing.

'You need to clean that up.' Yoongi said with a straight face as he then walked out, he seemed angry, but when was he not angry?

'I was going to anyway!' I yelled back, Yoongi leaned back around the corner and gave me a dead eye, I reeled back in fright and avoided eye contact with him, 'Okay okay I will soon. Please don't hurt me.' I said as I raised my hands to my face, hiding from his evil glare. I heard Hoseok laugh and Namjoon walked past the door silently laughing at me. I sighed and held my jersey in my hands, I looked down at it and it triggered some sort of memory. I remember seeing her horrified face before looking down at my jersey and blacking out. I patted down the pockets and felt a small box inside.

What is this?

I reached into the pocket and pulled out the small cube.

As I held it in my hand I froze, I knew exactly what it was but I hoped it wouldn't be what I thought. I brought myself to open the small box revealing a diamond ring.

I stood up confused, where hell did that come from?

In all honesty, I wanted to cry. I must've been going to propose to her, but I don't remember anything. I think I love her but I just don't know.

'Uh,' Namjoon said as he stepped in the room, 'you might want to see this.' I quickly shoved the box in my pocket and stood up in a hurry.

'What is it?' I asked.

'It's you,' Namjoon tugged at my arm and pulled me over to the computer in the living room, 'somehow someone got a hold of the security camera footage and well...'

Kim Taehyung Rumoured To Be Dating Worker From Pizzeria

BTS' Kim Taehyung Caught Sneaking Out With A Girl

'When were these photos taken?' I asked as I felt my blood beginning to boil.

'Months ago, I don't understand why they took so long to reveal them...' Namjoon said as he stared at the pictures, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook surrounded and read the articles. Jin sat on the couch behind us all, silent.

'How did someone even access the camera footage?!' Jimin said as he played the video of what looked to be me and a girl leaving the company, it was short and seemed to cut after three seconds.

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