Part Five

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- Alli's POV -

The nerves began to settle in, my hands shook and my bottom lip quivered. I was dead nervous.

'Try to be calm,' Jin spoke over the phone trying to soothe me, 'everything will be fine. He's been a little arrogant lately, but he will come around. He has to.'

Everything will be fine. His words rung and repeated in my ears.

I took a deep breath and exhaled for what seemed like forever. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the rise and fall of my chest and the beating of my heart. I pulled out the photo of Taehyung and I, the first time we met that wasn't in a freezing cold lake, it was a selfie of us holding our frozen yogurt. He had told me I couldn't post the photo anywhere online, I asked why and told me it was because he was a trainee for a company. I didn't believe him at first.

'We're almost there, I'm hanging up now okay? See you soon.' The line went dead and I waited.

I remembered what I wore that day, a new black winter coat with a long sleeve dark red dress which hugged my body, stockings as well as my light winter boots topped off with a black scarf and my hair in a bun.

I looked down at the photo once again. I remembered everything about that day, it was similar as today. Cold, a light layer of frost, and a nip in the air. Quite ridiculous actually, having frozen yogurt on a day like this was just asking for a brain freeze, but we didn't care.

The recent accident was almost two years after we first met, same season, around the same day. It was just, unreal.

I forced myself to not think too much about everything and try to enjoy watching him fall in love with me all over again. But my thoughts liked to wander...

- Taehyung's POV -

I felt weird.

I couldn't place why I felt so weird though. The way I felt just wasn't me, it was an overwhelming feeling that slowly began to build up inside of my stomach, like my body knew what was going on, but my mind didn't.

As we walked through the streets I watched as the buildings passed by and felt a sense of familiarity, I didn't know where they were taking me but I felt like I had walked this path before. Scenes from the past began to reel, I stopped where I stood and gripped my head. The pain stung, my vision went blurry causing me to cringe and lean over, one arm on my head and the other holding my stomach.

It was her who I saw, her hair was in a bun and she smiled up at me as she held her phone and snapped a photo, my hand felt cold and I felt the corner of my lips rise to a smile.

'Whoa, hey, are you okay?' Jimin asked as he placed his hand on my back, his voice was faded as it tried to break through the vivid memory which soon began to dissipate.

'Yeah, my head just hurts. It's nothing, really.' I assured them as I released my head and stomach, the memory disappeared into nothing and I continued to walk.

The place we were going was on the outskirts of the city, that's all I knew about where we were. No fans to hassle us and mostly old people living in these areas, they most likely wouldn't know who we were, so it was quiet, and calming.

'Okay, here we are.' Jin said as he gave me a smile and opened the glass door, Hoseok and Jimin walked in first, followed by me, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jin. The warm air quickly surrounded me, attacking the cold from my skin. I saw her straight away, my eyes widened and my heart felt warm. She was jaw droppingly beautiful.
(The gif of them walking in is important. Taehyung's face though!!)

Jin held me by the arm and slowly lead me in the direction of a table. I took a deep breath in as my eyes locked on her. She hadn't seen us yet, her eyes were locked onto something in her hand. We stopped before going any closer. I could feel my heart thumping harder against my chest and the air from my lungs disappearing fast.

'There she is,' he pointed, 'now go, we'll be over there.' he said as he pointed to another table where the other guys were already seated. I turned to him, took a deep breath and nodded.

I was nervous.

But why? She didn't mean anything to me, not anymore, at least I don't think so.

'Uh, hey,' I said, forcing a smile and taking a seat. She raised her head and looked at me as she lowered her hands and put whatever she was holding in her pocket, I could see the pain I had caused her still lingering in her beautiful blue eyes.

'Hello' she smiled warmly.

Her voice.

I, um, have your coat. My mind wanted to say, I forced myself not to. I choked as my mind twisted, a scene from a lost memory played and my vision went blurry. I forced my mind back to reality and shook my head lightly before returning my eyes to her. I was beginning to remember something, but I didn't know what.

'Taehyung,' her voice spoke as she looked at me concerned, 'are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, listen, I'm sorry about before. I just didn't know what was going on and freaked out.' I apologized, it felt sincere.

'You don't have to apologize, you've been through a lot lately. I just overreacted.' she didn't take her eyes off me, neither did I with her.

I awkwardly laughed, 'It's okay.'

I didn't know what else to say, I didn't even know how to feel around her. This was all too surreal.

'Can I get you two anything?' a waitress asked with a smile.

'I'll get a mango strawberry frozen yogurt and she'll have a chocolate strawberry frozen yogurt, thanks.'

The waitress nodded and walked off.

I turned back to her, she was frozen with surprise as if she couldn't speak. I quickly enveloped my lips to a close and my eyes left hers. I reeled back and realized what I had just done. She reached into her pocket and slipped a piece of paper onto the table, I noticed it was a photograph of us.

'The first time we spent time together,' she began, 'was here.'

I picked up the photograph and stared at it for what seemed like forever. We looked happy. My hands began to shake.

'That's you with your mango strawberry frozen yogurt, and me with my chocolate strawberry frozen yogurt at this exact table.' her voice was soft with a hint of sadness.

My eyes left the photo and focused on her, a glimmer of hope shone in her icy eyes.

My mind throbbed against my delicate skull, the memories were aching to be released but the wall in my brain was solid and not daring to fall.

Why can't I remember you?

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