Part Twenty-Four

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- Alli's POV -

I slowly awoke to the sound of my vibrating phone against the wooden bedside table.

In a half awaken daze I quickly reached over and answered.

'Alli? Where are you? We tried to call last night, we were so worried!' My moms frantic voice said over the phone, I rubbed my eyes open and yawned.

'I'm fine, mom,' I answered, 'we suddenly decided to have a sleepover,' I laughed lightly, 'they wanted to keep me for as long as they could before we left.'

'Honey...' She said softly, 'but you could've at least texted us last night!'

'I know, I know, I'm sorry! But I'm safe, I'm okay, and I'll be home very soon. Alright?'

'Alright, your father and I are making breakfast now so come home quickly if you still want it to be warm.'

'Love you, see you soon.'

'I love you too, dear.'

I hung up, my phone screen was full of texts and missed calls from both my parents and Jin.

Jin: Where are you?
Jin: Are you with Taehyung?
Jin: Please answer me!
Jin: I won't be mad, please, where are you? I'm worried.
18 missed calls from Jin.

I turned the screen off and buried my phone in the messy bed sheets. My eyes travelled across the room, empty.

I sighed and pulled the blankets off, revealing my bare body, reminding me of what happened last night. I sighed even more louder and deeper almost on the verge of tears.

I made my way over to the bathroom and opened the door, I was reminded of a past memory, opening the bathroom door and seeing his grin reflecting back to me in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. Or the time when I accidentally opened the door just before he got in the shower because I had forgotten he was in there.

I pushed passed the memory and entered the bathroom, as I closed the door I heard another open. I quickly grabbed a towel to wrap my body in and froze, listening to who it was.


It was Taehyung.

'Alli? Are you in the bathroom?' He called out, I walked over to the door and opened it slightly, relieved to know he was standing across the room.

I pulled a loose strand of hair behind my ear and my eyes slowly travelled from the floor and finally met his eyes, 'I was just going to have a shower.'

I noticed that he wore his suit pants and white button up shirt from last night, he didn't have a change of clothes either.

Taehyung scratched the back of his head and looked out the window, hiding a grin, 'Uh, I just paid for the room and ordered breakfast for us. But you can have your shower first.'

I nodded and closed the door before entering the shower to wash away the night.

- Taehyung's POV -

I sat on the bed and stared at the messy sheets, recalling the events of the night, smirking at what we had done.

I couldn't stop thinking about last night, not because of what happened, but because of how we felt together. I did feel something, even though she said she didn't love me I could feel she did. And I loved her as well.

I could tell it wasn't the first time we had done that, definitely not the first time. We were comfortable with each other, I knew my way around her body as she did with me, we just... connected. Again. And that's what I couldn't stop thinking about, our connection.

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