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I recently posted this in my most recent chapter of "To Find Her Again", but I thought I would post it here also.

I see so many comments on To Learn To Love about how "stupid" and "annoying" my Alli character was.

But let me tell you this, have you lost a deep love to amnesia? I haven't, but I would imagine that your emotions would be completely mixed, you would be confused about them all the time.

If you are denied by a loved one and someone new comes into the picture, of course you'll lean towards them for emotional and mental support; in relation to Alli leaning towards Taesung during the hard times.

Alli was completely torn over Taehyung, she was depressed, and didn't have a clear mind. For you to be calling her "stupid" is like a stab at me because most of her actions and emotions caused by the accident are what I, personally, would have done.

I would have broke down and been completely destroyed over it, and another person that cares comes into the picture is like a beautiful bright light in the darkness surrounding.

Taehyung basically threw her away and didn't want anything to do with her, but when he did want her back she was even more confused and didn't know what to do because it all happened suddenly which hurt her even more. And remember that she met him before the fame, she didn't see him as famous, she saw him as him.

If you were really in that situation I'm sure you wouldn't know what to do either.

I'm saying this so it helps you see Alli from a new perspective, don't see her as a "stupid" and "ungrateful" girl that had a chance with "Taehyung" and just threw it away,

see her as a young, depressed, emotionally and mentally confused teenage girl that was denied by the only person she loved deeply. See her as a broken human being after a devastating accident, don't judge.

You can hate her all you please, but sometimes you need to put yourself in other people's shoes before you make a judgement. Consider the elements that have caused them to act a certain way, just do all you can to understand how they must feel.

I understand that a lot of you readers are young, and find it harder to understand because you don't have much life experience, I also understand that a lot of you are like "omg she's so stupid why wouldn't she want Taehyung?!?". It's harder than you think.

I'm not angry that some readers hate my character, I'm just a bit disappointed that some didn't understand the emotions the situation brought up. I also understand that I may not have expressed, or used the correct vocabulary to explain this story better. I'll be working on that :)

But what I'm asking you is to just try to understand, and it's totally fine if you don't.

Thank you.

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