Part Fifteen

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- Alli's POV -

Jin had called me saying they were leaving today.

I didn't even say goodbye to Taehyung, I said my goodbyes when he was lying on that hospital bed thinking he wasn't going to wake up, and he did, but he didn't.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling, it seems to be the only thing I do nowadays besides volunteer work at the animal shelter. The animals took my mind off everything.

When I found out Taehyung was an idol in a group I always felt uneasy, like anything and everything could go wrong if one little thing happened. Dating an idol was stressful enough, but other things just had to pile it on and strain my relationship with him. We loved each other of course, but it was still hard, I was sick of everything having to be such a huge secret, and having to sneak around the entertainment building, trying to hide from other trainees and managers, it was all too much work. I had been thinking about calling it off for a while now, but he made me stay. I didn't want to give up on our relationship, but at times it brought me down so low I could hardly bring myself back up. For months on end I wasn't allowed to see him so we would have to text, call, and Skype, which he always fell asleep on because they had been training so much.

Feeling myself falling away from him I shook my head and snapped out of the negative thoughts.

'Stop! You love him! You can't give up on him!

But life is so hard with him.

That doesn't matter! You will both pull through!

But what if we don't? What if he never remembers me and forgets he loves me forever?

He loved you once, he will love you again.

He's just a boy, I'll find another?

Don't say that.

We met when we were teenagers, it could've just been a fling? Or nothing at all?

Stop saying that!'

My mind reeled and crashed against my skull as I argued with myself.

I was going insane.

- Jin's POV -

We arrived in the US for our first lot of shows.

We all felt empty leaving her behind, especially Taehyung and I. He felt like he was missing out on everything and just wanted to catch up with her, but we couldn't let him find everything out too soon. He would be in shock, disbelief, and probably break down crying due to the heavy information.

We couldn't let that happen, not while on this tour. So we continued life as it was going.

His mind resetting like how it did, was somewhat good? Better than him being a dick like the first time though.

I told her we should just leave him as he is, of course still live through all the memories, but not force the memories upon him. I wanted to see how he would turn out, if he instinctively did the same as he did the few years before, or deciding to go down a whole new path.

We wheeled our suitcases to our hotel rooms.

'Don't even bother unpacking, just leave everything in your suitcases and get some sleep,' our manager said as he poked his head through mine, Taehyung's and Namjoon's hotel room door, 'You're going to need your energy for tomorrow night.'

We had eaten before we landed at LAX so we weren't hungry and didn't bother asking, ordering, or looking for food.

We just showered and slept.

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