Part Twenty-Two

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- Alli's POV -

I argued with myself all night long before I came to the decision to give him another chance, it wasn't his fault, it wasn't his fault at all. I blame myself for everything that happened, I blame myself for being stupid and trying to forget him, no way did I ever want to forget him and move on. I just couldn't do that, not after all the years we spent together.

But Jin? What do I say to him?

I stood in the lounge and stared at the couch where we'd always sit and where he would make me watch their performances. I smiled and walked towards the window, the sky was blue and clear. I felt my phone in my pocket and twirled it between my fingers.

Do I call him? Text him? Tell Jin?

I sighed and stared harder out the window.

But what about Taesung? I need to tell him what's going on.

I bit my lip hard in thought, almost drawing blood. I snapped back and pulled out my phone and typed in Tae in the contact search bar.

Two results.



I clicked on Taehyung and pressed the call button. After all this he deserved to hear it instead of see it through text, I owed him that much, and more.

I gritted my teeth hard and clenched my jaw, the ringing pounded in my ear as bubbles rose from my stomach. I didn't know I would be this nervous calling him, before it was as easy as doing nothing. But now, now I felt more nervous than ever.

The calling tone cut off and the line was silent except for an eery background buzz.

'Taehyung?' I said as I stood still and held my breath, awaiting an answer.

I heard him sigh over the line, 'Alli?'

My heart felt relieved, but also sunk deeper.

'Taehyung, I just...I'm sorry about yesterday. It all just happened too fast and my mind shut down,' I said quickly, 'I'm sorry.'

The line was quiet and silence lingered.

'Taehyung,' I whispered and sat on the couch, sinking deeper into it, 'I want to see you.' I admitted.

'I want to try again, please, I know I was really stupid,' I could feel the roof of my mouth beginning to burn as I waited for him to say something, waiting with a heavy heart, 'everything is just so hard on me, everything is happening too fast and I don't know how to stop or slow it down.'

I heard him breathing over the line before a light buzz was heard.

I pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at the screen.

Call Ended.

'W-what?' I whispered, I could feel my eyes beginning to gloss with tears that dared to pour.

I sunk deeper into the couch, his side where he always sat, with me laying my legs over his lap and dangling them off the side of the arm rest. I quickly stood up and pushed the memory away from my mind.

This can't just be the end. Why is he being so bipolar?!

With a sore throat and red eyes I dialled Jin's number, beginning to sob. I wiped my tears and cleared my throat, I didn't want him to hear that I was crying.

'Alli? What's up?' Jin's voice spoke through the line, I let out a sigh if relief and held my heart.

'Jin,' I smiled, 'is Taehyung okay? He came over yesterday, I called him but he didn't say anything. Please tell him to call me, or just tell him I want to try again.'

Jin waited for a moment before answering, 'Alright, I'll talk to him.'

'Thank you, Jin,' I sighed with relief, 'You're a great friend.'

- Jin's POV -

A great friend.


'No problem, Alli,' I sighed, 'Anything for you.' I hung up without saying goodbye, although I hinted so damn hard at her for the past few years they just flew straight over her head and I was nearing the last straw, although the camels back broke long ago.

'Taehyung!' I yelled as I walked into the practice room, his head shot towards me, 'we need to talk.'

I saw him gulp, he looked nervously at the others and followed me out into the hallway. I closed the door behind him and turned to face him.

'Y-yeah?' He said as he forced a nervous grin.

'Alli told me you went to visit her. Why?'

'Because....I think I love her.' he whispered an leaned in, I peered my eyes at him.

There was something about the way he said it, it didn't seem sincere but at the same time it did. I didn't know if I should believe him or not.

'And you're sure about it?' I asked, trying to squeeze out the truth, if any.

'Dead.' He nodded and stared me straight in the eyes.

'Then why didn't you talk to her when she called?' I said as I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him.

'Pissed,' he said as he threw up his arms and leaned against the wall, 'Annoyed and angry at how I was yesterday, just angry at myself for being stupid.'

'Don't take that out on her then.' I stated and slitted my eyes, annoyed that he ignored her completely.

I sighed and broke the eye contact, 'She said she wants to try again with you, but I swear to g-'

'Thank you!' Taehyung cut me off and squeezed me into a hug, I was stunned at his sudden mood and movements.

'You don't have to thank me,' I said as he squeezed tighter, 'and you sure as hell don't need to hug me.'

Taehyung laughed and withdrew his arms, 'Sorry. I just appreciate it. You passing on the message, you could have just not told me and let our relationship fall apart for good. But you're helping, and I love you for that.'

'Okay, okay!' I laughed, 'that's enough love from you to last a lifetime. Now go get her.' I smiled and patted his arm.

'Now?' He asked.

'Why not?'

'Did she want to plan something? Relive old memories or something?'

I shook my head and smiled, 'Maybe it's time to make new memories.'

[A/N: Short update, so sorry about not updating for so long! Ideas are flowing slowly and this semester is getting harder...]

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