Part Fourteen

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[A/N: I'm trying to make chapters longer, I want to make them longer but sometimes they need to be a bit short so the story flows. Like if I cram three chapters into one chapter it wouldn't really flow that well...but I will try, I will think of ways to make them longer and flow nicely. Thank you so much for reading, enjoy!]

- Taehyung's POV -

I sunk into the couch and sighed loudly.

Since it was the weekend we had free time, but I didn't want to do anything except for sleep and try to remember her but I just couldn't. I went back to my room and rummaged through my drawers and closet to find my diary, a lot had changed in the two years and I hardly recognised the dorm.

I stepped out of my room confused and a little embarrassed, 'Hey, uh, has anyone seen my diary?'

Yoongi was sitting upside down on the couch blankly staring at the TV and Jin was in the kitchen making who knows what.

'You really don't remember...' Jin began and walked towards me from the kitchen, 'she has it, you gave it to her after you....'

'After I what?' I pushed.

'After you finished writing it of course.' Jin smiled, he wasn't telling me something.

'Why would I give it to her? It's private.' I said as I lowered my eyes in embarrassment.

'I don't know, you tell me.'

Jin was being cryptic and I couldn't handle it. In a huff I left the dorm and stormed down to the piano room, I don't even know why I went straight for that room, it just felt right.

Namjoon and Hoseok were walking towards me down the hallway trying to out-rap each other, I leaned against the wall to let them pass, they gave me weird and confused looks before continuing their way back down. Everyone seemed weird lately, like I had done something really bad, or like I was suddenly a different person, but I wouldn't know because no one was telling me anything.

I was completely in the dark.

I slid my back down the wall and closed my eyes as I covered my face. Everything was wrong, nothing felt right, I felt abandoned by everyone around me, I felt lost and so confused and felt like I was verging on the edge of insanity.

Through the darkness a light slithered through and the sound of piano keys tapped along to an old tune, one I had heard play before.

The song reminded me of a spring day, the beginning of something new, with every note that played I imagined a cobbled path leading through trees of cherry blossoms and their petals lightly falling in the breeze as a bubbly stream poured alongside. The scene in my head seemed familiar, like an old memory that I've subconsciously pushed to the back of my mind unintentionally. But it seemed real, like it was happening right now. I heard the piano playing coming from the piano room down the hall, I pulled myself off of the ground and slowly began to walk towards the closed door.

I felt a familiar feeling, a happy feeling, like I was waiting for something to happen, waiting to see the excited reaction from someone. But who?

My eyes closed and my hands raised and tapped against the walls as if I was playing each note.

I don't know how to play piano? At least not this song?

I slowly opened the door to the piano room, it was empty, all except for a white grand piano. I don't remember ever playing it but the others would play it now and then, and I would sit in the room and listen to them play.

Maybe my mind was slowly remembering a forgotten memory.

I didn't want to miss any chances at remembering, so I stayed in the room and listened to the song playing in my head. I don't think any of the boys had ever played this song though, it sounded too much like a love song, a song filled with hope. As I walked over to the piano I looked at myself in the mirror, I definitely looked older, two years really did pass by, my hair colour had changed as well as my body.

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