chapter 16

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I'm outside Jimin's door waiting for him to come. I look at Gyeung who was behind lying down looking at me. Since the road is going to be long, I lowered the seats behind and made a large space for him. I turn my head towards Jimin's door and see him running out with 1 suitcase I get out of the car and open the trunk for him. He comes closer to me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hi, how are you?" I told him while also giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m fine and you ?” he asks me while sitting on the passenger side.

"I am excited. Ready  for  3 hour drive?" I told him, looking at him as we left the street, that we were.

"As long as you're with me, I will always be ready." He said to me while opening music on my playlist that was recorded in the car. I blushed when I heard his sentence. I smile and continue to focus on the road while chatting with Jimin, my boyfriend now.

We continue talking then we leave Seoul. I see Jimin sleeping with his head against the window. I turn down the music a little which was Still with you by Jungkook. This song will remain one of my favorites of K-pop. The lyrics, the melody, the vibe that this song gives me is always fabulous, I feel free and relaxed.

I stop at one point and wake up Jimin to ask him if he wants to go to the bathroom. He heads to the bathroom and I clean the back seats where Gyeung was awake. I give him food and water then I leave him outside for a bit so he can breathe fresh air.

I take a photo and post it on Instagram. I am a very active person on Instagram and even on Tik Tok I really like to share things with my fans. I have 60 million subscribers on Instagram and 52 million on Tik Tok. Youtube I never watch but I think I'm at 30 million.

I wait for Jimin who was still in the toilet and head towards the store which was in front of me. I take small things to eat, and drinks . Arriving in front of the car I see Jimin happy with Gyeung. I look at them smiling and get out of the car. We get back in the car then I start to continue driving.

Jimin, who was no longer tired, opens the music loudly with different rappers. We get along together and laugh. We had only 2 hours left before arriving at our villa. I saw Jimin becoming more and more curious as he asked me what the house looked like.

"Jimin when would you like to tell the fans about us?" I ask him, looking at the road.

“I don’t know, I’m scared.” he tells me exhales in frustration. "I'm not going to lose you or my fans, I love them and I love you too." he said looking at me. I understood it because it's not easy and I'm also afraid for the same thing. When you're an idol, it's very difficult to be in a relationship. If you're famous it's even worse.

I felt that he was getting a little sadder, I didn't want him to think about that during these two weeks so I opened his favorite music. He looks at me smiling and we start singing together. He takes out his phone and takes photos of us a few times. He turns his camera towards me and takes a picture of me.

"Oh stop that I don't like my right profile." I said to him smiling and trying to hide my face with my hand.

"You are very beautiful as you took your hand away from me. With the sunset you are more beautiful"
he said to me, removing my hand from my face. I let him do it and look at the road as if nothing had happened. I look out of the corner of my eye at what he's doing and I hear him putting my photo as his wallpaper. I smile and refocus on the road as we talk about our school years.

"I went to the same school as Taehyung when I was younger and then we found ourselves in the same group, not bad right?" he said to me looking at me while I smiled at his anecdotes.

“I went to the same school as my brother too and many of girls who loved my brother started to love me so my brother always hated against me.” I tell him and we laugh together.

Arriving in the village I head towards the house we're going to stay in we get out of the car and I'm going to open the door to bring in our suitcases. I see Jimin putting on Gyeung's leash so I'm going to take the suitcases. Arriving at the house leaves Gyeung to visit. I leave my things in the living room and lie down on the sofa, tired of this road. I see Jimin taking photos through the window of the sea view. I get up and walk over to him to give him a hug. He turns to me and smiles, then he places his lips on mine. I smile and let him do so, placing my hands on the back of his neck.

he drops his kisses on my neck and starts giving me wet kisses which makes me have butterflies in my stomach.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful here” he says to me while giving me another kiss then he gives me a hug.

“ everything for you” I tell him and also put my head in his neck to breathe in his perfume.


We eat what I cook on the terrace which gives us a view of the sea and the sunset. Gyeung who had also eaten was lying on the grass and eating his bone. I was talking with Jimin when I received a call from unknown number . I furrow my eyebrows and respond apologetically to Jimin.

"Yes?" I say looking at Jimin.

"Yona I'm your father" the person behind the phone says to me and my eyes move apart recognizing the voice.

"What do you want?" I ask him, regaining my seriousness.

"Yona I'm going to die. I have an illness and I have to have an operation but it's very expensive, help me" my father tells me. I put the phone on speaker seeing Jimin trying to listen.

"How much does it cost?" I ask him. I don't want to help, but he's my father. He makes me suffer so much, he abandons me, he drugs me, how can I forgive him.

“10,000 dollars” he says to me and I close my eyes not knowing what to do. Jimin looks at me and rubs my back for support. My eyes were starting to fill with tears.

“Which hospital are you in and why can’t you afford it?” I ask him, trying to be serious but I couldn't.

"I'm in the hospital in Seoul and I spent everything... at the Casino" he tells me and I breathe out in rage as I lead. That's what I told myself, he spent everything on alcohol and on illegal things.

"I'll send someone to see if it's real. If it's real I'll send you $3,000 and you figure it out. But if I learn that it's not true I swear  that I will do anything to make you die infront of my eyes." I tell him as I lead and hang up, starting to cry. The memories he brought her to life came back before my eyes. All the times he insulted me, all the times he hit me, the rage came out of my eyes.

Jimin hugs me and calms me down as I continue to cry. He kisses my hair and continues to hug me.
After a few moments he looks into my eyes.

"What did your father do to you to make you not love him?" I take a deep breath and start to explain to him while lying my head on his knees and he caress my hair.

"I am a child who was not wanted, my mother did not want me and my father too, even if they wanted a child, they wanted it to be a boy. My mother was unable to have an abortion because it was too late, she found out she was pregnant three months later. My father brought us from Daegu to Busan for his work. My father hit me, insulted me for everything and nothing, my mother didn't care a bit but when she could she also insulted me. After my mother died, my father became an alcoholic, he became more and more violent, he drugged me and abandoned me in front of an orphanage and left Busan." I told him leaving a few tears while smiling.

"But I am happy that he abandoned me otherwise I would not have been adopted by my family. I am so happy with them. Without them I wouldn't be here today." I told him and smiled at Jimin who was looking at me.

"All I know is that you are a very strong and mature woman. You managed to overcome all this without anyone's help and you made it this far on your own. I am proud of you" he tells me and places his lips on mine as I smile at his words.

We lay down on the sofa that was on the terrace and watched the sunset that was in front of us.

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