chapter 14

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we are in the KBS studios where we are going to perform. We hear lots of fans shouting for the other idols who formed after the group Stray kids it's up to me to perform.

He performs the song Maniac which on of my favourite song they have done.
My manager tells me it's my turn and I start performing.

Fans screaming, idols dancing too. I like having contact with the fans, that’s why I go in front of the fans to sing next to them. After my two songs, I go to the rooms to change.

I head back to the idols room where we were now going to say the best album of the year. I'm quite stressed.

"The best album of the year is... Black Kard by Kang Yona!!!" the MC says while shouting, which makes the fans happy.

I get up in shock and head to the stage to speak and thank my fans.

I head backstage, and the staff congratulate me. After that, we head to Hybe, where we will place the trophies that I won.

I'm heading home because tomorrow I have a fan meeting.
Before going to sleep, my family calls me to congratulate me. Also, some dol send me messages to congratulate me, then I go to sleep thanking my fans one last time on Instagram and on Weverse.

Today, I'm going to New York for an interview with Jimmy. I've already gone to do interviews there and I had a lot of fun because Jimmy is a very funny person. I'm going to land in New York shortly. After arriving at the airport, I direct him towards the doors, which will give me another world with lots of fans.

"Yona, prepare yourself. There are 200 of them." Tae-ho tells me worried about the situation.
I'm also worried. I hope they don't hurt

"Shit," I come out of the doors, and it starts well. I'm already getting pushed around. the flashes, the shouting, the people jostling, the security talking, the cameras going to hit me. I'm afraid they looked like savages. I get into the car and take a deep breath.

“There were a lot of them,” Tae-ho told me, removing his chin. I nod  and put my head against the window while continuing to talk with Tae-ho.

Arriving at the hotel, I enter my room and start looking at what is here. I unpack my suitcase to take a shower. Tomorrow is the interview, and the day after tomorrow, I'm going to surprise Jimin. Jimin is coming tonight, I came in the morning so as not to start rumours. I don't know how I'm going to react during the interview with Jimin after what happened at his house. We don't know how to talk after that day, neither me nor him, we tried to talk. I think it's the embarrassment.

I get out of the shower and head towards the restaurant downstairs. I notice Tae-ho with a few staff members. I massage next to Tae-ho. He takes out his phone and we take a photo to send to my brother. My brother's dream was to come to New York, he never stinks because of work, that's why we send him photos every time we come here.

After eating, I head to my room to rest. I watch a movie and then fall asleep.

I'm on Jimmy's scene, who is in the room getting ready. Two people were trying to put the microphone on me and 1 person touching up my makeup. The people who were supposed to come start to enter, and we hear their voices from the other side of the stage.

"3 2 1 start!” The director informs us, and Jimmy enters the stage to welcome the cameras and the fans who are here.

"I think you guessed who is here. The tall, beautiful, intelligent, talented Kang Yona, " he says smiling, and the music plays. I laugh a little at his compliments. and I enter the stage hearing the screams of the fans.

“Welcome Yona” Jimly said to me while giving me a hug.

“Thank you Jimmy” I hug him back, and then we sit down.

"It's been a year since we last saw it. you grew up. Wow."  he said to me, smiling.

"It’s true, it’s been a year since we last saw it. And you too have grown old." I tell him laughing. He looks at me in shock, which makes the room laugh.

after a few minutes of fun, we get back into our serious state, and he asks me questions

"So tell us what was the funniest moment during the production of your album." he said to me, bringing me my album.

"During a studio break, the drummer played a prank by replacing drumsticks with kitchen spoons. When the recording resumed, the drum sound was anything but conventional. Surprisingly, the producer loved the idea and decided to keep the original recording, unintentionally turning the drums into a memorable "culinary" performance. we even gave it a name "spoon beater." "  I tell him smiling

"What is your favourite song from your album and other artists?" jimmy asks me.

"The favorite music from my album is last chance because it is a song that expresses my feelings that I have felt in moments of my life and that I have never given up, and a song by another artist I think that Magic shop by BTS is my favorite." I told him, remembering times when I listened to Magic Shop while I was driving.
after a while, Jimmy indicates the start of the performance of my song.

I perform my song and finish the show. We talked for a few minutes with Jimmy, and then we left this place to go to the Louis Vuitton store, which was not very far away.

I bought what I had to buy and left the store to go to the hotel because it was already dark. I eat, then hear my door knock. 

I get up and walk to the door and open it. When I open the door, I see Jimin in front of the door.

“Hi” he said to me while taking off his mask.

“Oh Hi come in” I tell him, and I move.

He enters the room and takes off his cap. He sat down on the canoe and was at the edge of the window.

“When did you arrive?” I ask him, giving him a glass of wine.

“I came 1 hour ago” he said to me while drinking his wine.

"Wawww and you directly thought of me? Thank you, I know, " I said to him, laughing and drinking too.

“Yes, I thought of you directly.” he said, looking at me without laughing. I stop and look at him. He looked into my eyes as my heart started to speed up, and his eyes looked at my lips.

He starts to approach me and places his hand on my cheek. He doesn't wait a last second and places his lips on mine. It wasn't like last time, we were embarrassed, but now it's as if we knew what the other wanted, we knew what the other was going to do. He puts his other hand on my leg to pull me closer, and I put my hands behind his neck and carrese his hair. He takes me in his arms and walks towards the bed, and places me on without breaking the kiss. He puts me down and then stops to let us breathe. He lies down on the side and gives me a hug. I hug him back and put my head in his neck. We didn't say anything, just the sound of our breathing and our hearts that we both could hear.
after a few seconds we fall asleep in each other's arms

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