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Everyone has collided with the feeling when you stare at something, feeling at the same time a long-awaited peace and happiness. This is the best anyone can feel after a difficult situation. The same emotions accompany a girl when she looks up at the sky and sees countless calm, bright stars arranged in shapes.

She loves to think about people, things or situations that require little analysis, but also reflects on her happiest memories. However, she is currently starting to feel tired, due to the lack of sleep, which is really lacking in her case. Anyway, she hates to fall asleep, she loves to live at night. Then no one disturbs her. She feels free, however, not for long.

Sitting on the windowsill in her dark room, out of the corner of her eye she notices a light. She gets up and heads toward her bed, where her phone is located. Her peace of mind has been disturbed by an incoming call. A smile appears on her face when she sees that her best friend is calling her.

"What's up, Jenn?" She asked, sitting down on the bed.

"Get ready girl!" Her best friend announced loudly. She knew her blonde-haired friend wasn't alone because she heard voices that became familiar to her in an instant.

"Jenn, what the fuck is going on?" She asked, wrinkling her eyebrows, then heard shouting on the other side, "Jennifer?" Soon after, someone else appeared on the screen.

"Dude, it's the last day of the holiday, and Luke.." She heard the voice of her second friend, but the phone moved again.

"Chris? Oh my god, not again." She said powerlessly

"Fuck off you idiots!" Black-haired friend shouted when she appeared on the screen, "Shut the fuck up, I'm talking now! " After her words there was silence and she looked at the phone screen smiling at the brunette, "I'm sorry for these animals Rose."

"Olivia, tell me what's going on?" Rose said, waiting only for an explanation.

"To make a long story short, Luke is organizing an end-of-holiday party and we're just on our way to pick you up - be there in a minute, be ready!" Olivia said immediately hanging up.

Rose was well aware that such an event would take place, but she wasn't sure if she definitely wanted to go there. However, she wanted to spend time with her friends. She decided to fight fatigue and wrote a quick message to her boyfriend.

Rose: I changed my mind, I'll see you in a while.

Her boyfriend mentioned the party a few days ago. She wouldn't have hesitated long to respond if it had been organized by someone else and not his friend. To tell the truth, she adored him, but she didn't like the thought that she might meet people there who had no affection for her. She didn't feel like arguing today.

She threw the phone on the other side of the bed and got up in search of suitable clothes. Despite the late hour, it was still warm, so she decided on a tight black dress reaching before her knees, and over it a loose jacket.

Just as she finished make-up, she heard honking. She tensed up momentarily, but reminded herself that no one else was home but her. She took a deep breath, reached for her phone and slowly made her way downstairs. Opening the door, she saw her phone and the message on it.

Liam: I can't wait, love you.

She closed the door behind her and headed toward a large car parked in the driveway, from which loud music was coming. It was impossible not to notice three people waving their arms and singing.

A smile appeared on her face again. She missed her friends, although she hadn't seen them for only two weeks, because they were all on vacation. She's known them since she went to kindergarten. They did everything together, so they can understand each other without words. Even high school can't destroy their friendship. It is worth adding that she received offers from Olivia to go with her and her family for a week's trip, but she had to refuse. For the last few days, her life has revolved around her grandmother.

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