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The car disappeared from sight of the two girls, who were left alone on the street. One of them was upset by her friend's actions. The other was not happy - she did not want to see the brunette chasing after her boyfriend, but she did not want to leave her alone. The alcohol that Rose drank slowly o began to leave her body.

They stood right next to each other, and the tension could be felt in the air. Neither of them had any intention of listening to the other. Sage knew that the brunette would want to get as far away from her as possible. She understood why she wanted to do this, as she had earned such actions herself. She longed to go back in time and change everything. Just to try, even if she were to be rejected, hurt. Unfortunately, she won't erase her mistakes - now she has to earn her trust.

Rose, on the other hand, knew that the blonde would not leave her alone. Every time she had to appear unnecessarily and do things that confused her. She didn't understand what kind of change had taken place in the girl and what she really wanted to achieve. The thought that Sage was messing with her still lingered in Rose's mind.

Rose took a deep breath and looked sideways at the blonde, who was standing with her hands in her pockets and staring ahead, thinking about the act. In previous years, the brunette was never left alone with the blonde, as there were always people next to her. Now, however, Sage was doing nothing wrong, just waiting. Rose succumbed when she saw the girl's face. She admired her perfect facial profile - her jaw was marked with a clear line, and her hair fell over her slightly protruding cheekbones. She seemed vulnerable and unthreatening. She wanted to touch her, wanted to feel her touch and her gaze on her, which she had begun to like, but would never be willing to admit. Rosalie asked herself why it was Sage that made the brunette feel something new, something that frightened her. Every thought of her in Rose's mind ended in failure, as she realized it wasn't real, and her head and body were playing tricks on her. She doesn't want to feel anything more for her. Moreover, Rose never thought about her orientation, because she never felt anything more than friendship for other girls. Of course, more than once she looked up to and admired people of the same sex, but she did not want to associate with them. In first grade, not expecting what would happen, she claimed that Sage Miller was one of the people to be admired. Now she herself didn't know what was going on with her. She still maintains that she prefers boys.

Even if the brunette had allowed herself to have feelings for the blonde-haired one, she suspects that nothing would have come of it anyway. She believed that Sage belongs to the majority of society - to people who are heterosexual. More than once she had seen a girl kissing some boy, and she had even been in a relationship with a couple. She was surprised to hear that Sage breaks up with everyone rather quickly. On the other hand, she didn't think it was possible to last long with someone like her.

The wind made the blonde's hair obscure her face. With an efficient movement, the blonde corrected it and it finally fell on the brunette. Rosalie immediately shook herself off. She felt the chill begin to reach her body causing goosebumps. Then she heard a voice and looked at the blonde again.

          "Since you're done staring at me, we can already..." She began to say with a smile on her face. Rose felt heat on her cheeks after her words and immediately looked away from her - she was caught. She was thankful that it was dark and the girl wouldn't notice.

          "I didn't stare, there's nothing to stare at." Rose interrupted boldly causing the girl to raise her eyebrows and walk closer to her. Hearing footsteps, Rose raised her eyes and saw the blonde-haired girl stop very close to her. Through one of the many lamps, Sage saw the brunette's face.

Sage noticed the girl's red cheeks, which the brunette really wanted to cover up. She felt a warmth in her stomach as she realized that she had caused it. Sage had noticed for some time that something was going on with the brunette, as every so often she caught her looking at her with eyes that puzzled Sage. Rosalie's brown eyes often expressed something else, from anger to worry. The blonde wondered why she was glancing at her like that - Rosalie had never done that before and, most importantly, had never reacted to her as she did now. Had Rose seen through her and was now messing with her? No, Rosalie would never do that, but something was up. For now, however, she just focused on the girl's reaction and how much she wanted to kiss her. She couldn't control it - she had no control with Rosalie.

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