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Rosalie, after opening the door, entered a bedroom with a large bed that was placed right in the middle. She immediately noticed her boyfriend, who was sitting shirtless on the edge of the bed. Liam looked down at the ground and didn't even notice her arrival. The girl saw no one else but him.

She wondered if he had cheated on her and it was long overdue. Otherwise, why wasn't he wearing a T-shirt and why his fingers rubbed against each other so nervously. She looked at his hair, which asked disheveledly. Her fears were confirmed. She felt bad, but not because of him but because of the very act he had done. She didn't understand how people could commit such a thing when they have a person by their side whom they say they love. Liam often said this to her, but she would rather he broke up with her a long time ago than continue the relationship and do something like this. Rose wholeheartedly did not want to end it considering what was going on in her head right now.

          "How could you?" Rose announced causing the boy to raise his head and look at her in horror.

          "Rosie, it's not like that, nothing..." Liam began to say while getting up from the bed. However, it was evident that he was in a bad state, as he was slightly wobbling, and his gaze kept moving from Rose to various things in the room.

          "Cut the bullshit Liam. When I was always looking for you at parties you were fucking someone else!" She yelled at him, and he tried to move closer to her.

Rose was on the edge of her emotions. They deepened when another door in the room opened. A red-haired girl with a smile on her face came out of the bathroom and panted at the brunette.

          "Oh hi darling, listen I have to tell you that your boy can drive me crazy." Victoria said causing Rose to clench her fists and look at the boy.

          "You're a fucking son of a bitch." Rose said in disbelief to him and taking a step back.

          "Come on Liam, tell her how we had a great time at every party." Victoria added walking closer to the boy and touching his hand.

          "Shut the fuck up!" Liam shouted in the direction of the redhead, whose smile fell from her face, and Rose was frightened by his tone. The boy aggressively knocked her fingers off his hand and looked at his girlfriend again and shouted, "You have to believe me!"

          "But you're a coward Liam." Victoria said rolling her eyes from the whole situation and looked at the brunette, "We had extraordinary sex, Liam is even better after drugs. Don't you remember how you said I was much better in bed than her?"

Rose felt like she was in a dream. She hoped it wasn't really happening. She never noticed the boy taking illegal substances. Moreover, the girl's words hurt Rose enough.

          "I'm fucking fed up. I'm afraid of you! It's over." Rose said loudly, and then looked at the girl next to Liam, "And you are a worthless whore, I hope you end up at the bottom."

          "That was a mistake." Liam started to speak and wanted to touch the brunette, but she immediately took her hand away.

She took one last look at her boyfriend in whom she noticed severely enlarged pupils. She was afraid he might do something to her. She immediately turned and ran out of the room. However, Liam also ran after her.

          "I'm sorry Rose, forgive me." She heard a voice behind his back however she did not stop and ran downstairs. He did so as well.

Rosalie noticed Sage in the crowd of people, who was standing by the wall and also caught the pattern contact with her. Sage's eyebrows furrowed because of how fast the brunette was walking and how angry she looked. In an instant, Rose realized that she had just lost Liam - the person who would be her distraction from the gray-eyed woman.

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