Two-Bit forced me to eat a full meal, and I felt like a child getting scolded. And yeah, it felt good to eat, and yeah, it felt great not having a growling stomach- but that's not the point. We didn't talk much, just surface-level stuff, jokes, and quips.
After we left, Two walked me back to the Curtis's for a second attempt at seeing Johnny. Now, we had a plan. I would reunite with each of the boys one by one until only Johnny was left. Then they'd all leave, and I'd be alone to see him. I was excited, nauseous, and jittery.
Two-Bit walked up the porch and went inside, I stayed outside and paced on the porch. Mere moments later Dallas walked out, a smug grin on his face, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips, and his signature necklace around his neck. I keep forgetting he's alive, it's so jarring to see him. "Man, I knew you didn't die." He chuckled and snuffed out his cigarette on the wall then tossed the butt. "Scared the hell out of everyone. I heard you were in the hospital for over a month." He put me in a headlock and laughed. "Mean Greene fightin' machine down!" He boomed out and shook me around.
I smiled and tried to push out of it, he let me go but only for a second, and then he grabbed my shoulders hard and brought his face close to mine, making me jump and shake slightly. "Hey look, man, don't do that again. Johnny was a wreck, and so was Pony. Don't do it again." I was startled by the sudden tone shift and nodded shakily. If I didn't feel like a scolded child before I do now. I teared up from it for some reason god only knows. Jesus, my tear ducts are working overtime lately- He nodded in acknowledgment and went back inside with that same smug grin he came out with like nothing even happened. Two sticks his head out and hold up a thumbs up. I nod and he goes back in.
Sodapop steps out next. He hugs me and lifts me off the ground. Neither of us says anything, we just hug and cry. After a while, he lets me go and sighs softly. "I missed you so much, Stacy."
I smile and nod. "I missed you too, Soda, a lot." I wipe my eyes. "God, crying is so annoying."
He chuckles and flashes that movie-star smile. "It is, trust me, I know it. I've been bawlin' like a baby since Pony first went missing. Maybe it'll finally stop now that everyone's okay." He hugs me again. "I love you, Stacy. We all do, don't ever forget that." Annnd I'm ugly crying. He keeps hugging me as I do, I hug him in return and clench his flannel between my fists, my dry, cracking hands protesting the act.
When my tears subsided into sniffles he pulled away. "Are you okay for me to go back in?" I nod. "Then get prepared for Darry." He smiles and disappears inside.
Oh lord, I wasn't even thinking about Darry! What's he gonna think? I'm gonna cry so hard. This is bad, I'm going to be so dehydrated, I'll need some sort of sports drink.
The door closes and moments later Darry steps out, his eyes are cloudy with sadness and relief. "I-" He takes a deep breath. "I really thought we were going to lose you." He sniffles and tries to cover up the fact that he's tearing up. "When we found you... you were so pale and limp and cold. I was furious with you." I look down at my boots, there are wet spots on them. "I was so mad because life is such a great thing and you were about to throw it all away before you were even an adult. You're a kid, you should be out playing in the snow, not holding a damn gun to your head!" He says sternly, I jump slightly and my shoulders sink. "Stacy, I didn't- don't do that again, okay? I can't lose anyone else, don't you dare pull anything like that again or I'll skin ya 'live." I nod and continue staring down. I hear him sigh and before I can even mentally berate myself he's yanking me into a tight bear hug. "You damn kids are gonna give me a heart attack one day." He said quietly. I hugged him back. My family doesn't hate me...
"Be a kid, Stacy. Enjoy it." He says as he sets me back down and slips back inside.
I'm not prepared when Ponyboy steps out, my heart clenches, he looks older, sadder. "I'm glad you're okay, we all really missed you. Johnny never shut up about you, actually." He scratches his arm through his jacket. "I got real sick after that night, that's why I wasn't there when everyone found you. I wanted to but Darry threatened to take away my books. I really didn't want him to."

Beach Babe | The Outsiders | Johnny Cade
FanfictionStacy Greene has just moved to town from California to get away from her past. She meets a gang of 'greasers' and quickly becomes friends with them. She's in a new town, with new friends, with new love, and new experiences. ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Story contain...