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January 31st, the day the ritual that turned Victor into a vampire took place.

Sasha's POV

"I do not believe this! I do not believe this! It's all Violet's fault, that stupid stalker!" I said as I jumped from building to building and held my neck, my breathing was ragged and my mouth was oozing blood from that newly transformed human.

Ahhh~, this blood tastes so good, this blood makes those sack drinks that my family provides taste like nothing, the best blood I've ever tasted and now it's mine? Is this just mine?

I shake my head several times to get that thought out of my head then stop on top of a building and look up at the cloudy sky, I sigh and say:

"I can't believe I'm married to a stranger..."

I mean, Victor is not a complete stranger, Violet has always talked about him to Ruby and me since when we were kids. We always had to listen to Violet talking about her 'Darling'.

Honestly, when I was a kid I found this very irritating, but as time went on I got used to Violet's craziness.

"I accepted the request to help with the ritual, but I never thought something like this would happen," I said as I crouched down and sat in the building.

"I mean, who would have thought this would happen!? Shouldn't the ritual be individual!? Why did this irregularity happen!? Because of that now, I'm married! And I don't even know my husband personally!" I practically yelled as I held my head in frustration.

It's all Violet's fault!!

Ohhhh! I'm getting annoyed again!

"Wait…" Suddenly, I realize something important, "If I don't take my husband's blood, I'll dry up… I'll turn into a dry mummy, and my body will go into hibernation… and that is still a positive result. In the worst case, I'll go crazy from bloodlust..."

"FUUUUUCK!" I yelled in frustration, how am I supposed to make this work!? "Hey, Victor, I am your wife? Give me your blood!" I spoke like I was acting in a drama, but soon my face turned bright red.

NOOOOOOOOO! This is shameful! I never met him in person! I shake my head several times to get that thought out of my head.

Anyway! I must go home!

I get up and jump towards a mansion I bought.


Arriving at the mansion, I open the door and the first thing I see made me freeze in disbelief, my maid Julia's headless body was sprawled on the couch. The room was messed up, it was like a fight had happened, and it wasn't just Julia's body that was scattered.

"N-N-No, J-Julia...?" I spoke in disbelief, I couldn't form coherent thoughts when I saw the body of the maid who practically raised me since I was little.

I could see the bodies of all my servants, vampires, and humans... A massacre took place here while I was gone.

I didn't have time to be in mourning because I felt someone approaching at high speed, I covered my body with my lightning and dodged the attack.

The attack passes by me and I can see the door to my mansion breaking into pieces.

"Oh? The ambush failed, that's too bad." I hear a man's voice, looking at the man I see he's a tall bald white man and he's wearing a priest's robes, but it looks like it's been adapted to look like a black suit.

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