chapter 1 (Ferrod)

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Ferrod stood alone in a quiet cemetery, feeling sad as he went to his mother's grave on what should have been a happy 18th birthday. Instead, it became a day of remembering the past.

The sky was gray, matching the sad mood. Ferrod kneeled by the cold, old stone with his mother's name. Tears filled his eyes, and he quietly asked, "Why did you have to leave me, Mom? Why did you have to go?"

A gentle breeze moved the leaves, but it didn't answer his questions. Ferrod closed his eyes, trying not to feel the pain, but memories of his once lively and caring mother overwhelmed him. She had lost her battle with depression.

In the quiet of the cemetery, Ferrod felt the heaviness of his sadness. He whispered, "I miss you so much. I wish you were here to see me turn 18. You were supposed to be here, celebrating with me."

The wind seemed to carry away his words, leaving Ferrod alone with the emptiness his mother's absence created. He heard echoes of their past talks, her laughter, and the warmth of her hugs. But now, all that remained were memories engraved in the stone.

Ferrod couldn't hold back his emotions, and tears mixed with the grass's dew. As he touched his mother's name on the stone, a strong determination grew in him. "I won't let your pain be for nothing, Mom," he said, gaining strength. "I promise to find the courage to go on, and I'll make those who caused your suffering pay for what they did."

Ferrod, still on his knees near his mom's grave, felt a strong determination as he made a serious promise. The sadness and memories of his mom's pain made him want to make those who caused her suffering to pay for what they did.

With tears still on his face, Ferrod looked up at the gray sky and said quietly, "I won't let this sadness take over me. I'll find the strength to keep going, not just for me but for you, Mom." He touched the letters of her name on the stone as if wanting a connection beyond the cold rock.

In the quiet graveyard, surrounded by memories of a life lost too soon, Ferrod thought about what to do next. He decided to turn his sadness into a strong effort to find out why his mom became so sad. As the wind whispered through the trees, he silently promised to figure out the reasons for her pain and make those who contributed to her early death face the consequences.

Ferrod felt a new purpose. "I'll speak up for you, Mom. I'll make sure those who made you so sad are held responsible. No one should go through what you went through," he said with determination.

Getting up from his kneeling position, Ferrod wiped away the remaining tears. The graveyard, once a sad place, now saw a change. The promise he made to his mom became a guiding force, pushing him into a journey of healing, justice, and understanding. The echoes of his promise stayed in the air, mixing with the sounds of leaves, showing the strong love and determination he had for his mom, who was no longer there but whose memory would always shape his life.

Grief and anger showed on Ferrod's face as he made this promise. The once peaceful cemetery now saw a young man changed by tragedy, quietly vowing to seek revenge for his mother's early death.

Ferrod left the cemetery feeling really sad, the heaviness of grief staying with him as he walked away from where his mom was buried. He kept thinking about his promise to seek justice for her and carry on in her memory. When he stepped out into the world outside the cemetery, he couldn't shake the deep feeling of loss on what was supposed to be a special day - his 18th birthday.

The streets seemed quieter, and the colors around him weren't as bright as Ferrod remembered from past celebrations with his mom. He couldn't stop thinking about what could have been - if only his mom were still alive, they would be celebrating together, laughing, and sharing joy. The fact that she wasn't there cast a sad shadow over what should have been a happy and celebratory day.

Ferrod found himself remembering the good times when his birthdays were full of his mom's hugs, her smiling face, and the simple but special moments they had together. Every step he took away from the cemetery felt like moving farther away from those warm memories.

The busy city around him seemed like it didn't notice his sadness. Ferrod walked through the streets feeling a sense of emptiness. He couldn't help but notice how life continued around him, while he had to deal with the painful gap left by his mom's absence.

In the middle of the bustling city, Ferrod held onto a small pendant that once belonged to his mom. It was a real connection to her, and he quietly said, "I wish you were here, Mom. We would be celebrating just like we used to." The pendant, cool against his skin, reminded him of the love that still existed, even if only in memories.

As Ferrod kept going, he couldn't help but wonder how different the day could have been if things had turned out differently. Instead of a happy celebration, it turned into a sad reminder of what he had lost. He carried the pain of this realization with him, each step making the gap between the present and the happy celebrations of the past even more noticeable.

Ferrod tried hard not to cry anymore. He didn't want the sadness to take over. Instead, he focused on his plans for the future.

He took a deep breath, wiping away the tears on his face. "I can't let this sadness control me. Mom wouldn't want that," he told himself. So, he decided to think about what he could do next.

Ferrod reminded himself of the promise he made at his mom's grave - to seek justice and find out why she felt so sad. He thought about how he could make those responsible for her suffering face the consequences of their actions.

As he walked through the streets, he concentrated on these plans. "I need to be strong. I'll be Mom's voice and make sure no one else goes through what she did," he said to himself. His determination grew, and he focused on turning the pain into a force for change.

Though the memories of his mom and the sadness were still there, Ferrod tried to channel those feelings into something positive. He thought about the steps he could take to make a difference, to honor his mom's memory.

With each step, he felt a bit stronger, knowing that concentrating on his plans would help him move forward. The city around him might have continued with its hustle and bustle, but Ferrod was determined to make his way, turning sorrow into a source of strength.

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