chapter 3 (the meeting)

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The university's Business Administration course brought Ferrod and Sarah together, and their journey began on the very first day of classes. The lecture hall buzzed with the chatter of students finding their seats, and Ferrod spotted an empty one near the back. He took a moment to introduce himself, making his way to Sarah, who was seated closer to the front.

Ferrod greeted her with a friendly smile, "Hey there, I'm Ferrod. Excited about diving into Business Administration?"

Sarah returned the smile, adjusting her notebooks, "Hi Ferrod! I've been looking forward to this. I think it's going to be challenging but interesting."

Ferrod nodded, "I'm with you on that. I've always been curious about the business world. What drew you to this course?"

Sarah explained, "Well, I find the dynamics of businesses fascinating. I want to understand how they operate. How about you?"

Ferrod shared, "Pretty much the same reasons. Plus, I've got this dream of taking care of our family business and starting my own business someday."

As the professor started the class, Ferrod and Sarah settled into the rhythm of the semester.

Over the weeks, they found themselves gravitating towards each other during group discussions and study sessions.

During a break between classes, Ferrod approached Sarah, "Hey, do you want to grab a coffee after this? These lectures make me crave caffeine."

Sarah laughed, " A coffee break sounds perfect. Let's go."

Their casual coffee breaks turned into deeper conversations about their goals, aspirations, and shared interests beyond the course.

Ferrod learned about Sarah's passion for sustainable business practices, and Sarah discovered Ferrod's love for innovative entrepreneurship.

One day, as they prepared for a group project, Sarah sighed, "This project is going to be a challenge."

Ferrod grinned, "The best part is overcoming the challenge, right? We've got this."

Sarah smiled back, "You're right, Ferrod. Teamwork makes everything better."

As the semester progressed, their friendship solidified. They faced the highs and lows of business theories and case studies, supporting each other through the complexities of the coursework.

On the eve of a major presentation, Ferod said, "Sarah, I'm grateful we ended up in the same course. It makes tackling these projects much more enjoyable."

Sarah agreed, "It's been a journey, and I'm glad to have you as a study partner and a friend."

Their shared experiences in the Business Administration course not only broadened their understanding of the business world but also formed the basis for a friendship that extended beyond the classroom.

Ferrod and Sarah discovered that their academic pursuits were shaping not just their careers but also the meaningful connections they were building along the way.

As days passed...

Ferrod wanted to become good friends with Sarah, so he often invited her to lunch and even dinner.

One day after class, he approached her with a friendly smile.

"Fancy grabbing some lunch together, Sarah?" Ferrod asked.

Sarah, appreciating the offer, replied, "Sure, that sounds nice. Where do you want to go?"

Ferrod suggested, "How about that new place downtown? I heard they have great sandwiches."

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