chapter 22 (Embraced by Frustrations, Seeking Serenity)

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At hospital...

As Sarah found herself confined to bed for three days, recovering from the unexpected collapse at the office, she grappled with the difficult decision of whether to inform Ferrod. She feared his reaction, suspecting that he might not offer the support she needed.

Sarah: (weary and contemplating) Should I tell Ferrod about this? No, he'll probably just ignore it or worse, be happy that I'm not around.

In the quiet of her room, Sarah debated the pros and cons of reaching out to her husband.

Sarah: (thinking aloud) He's been so distant, so angry. What if he sees this as a relief, a break from our issues?

Despite her reservations, a part of her longed for his concern, for the reassurance that he still cared.

Sarah: (hesitant) But what if he doesn't care? What if my illness just adds to his resentment?

As she lay in bed, the weight of uncertainty pressed on her, and a sense of isolation settled in.

Sarah: (softly) I can't keep pretending everything is okay. But do I risk reaching out, knowing he might not respond the way I hope?

In the end, the fear of rejection and further emotional distance won over, and Sarah chose to weather her illness alone.

Sarah: (resigned) Maybe it's better this way. I need to focus on healing myself. If he finds out, he finds out.

As the days passed in solitude, Sarah found solace in her strength, simultaneously grappling with the reality that her marriage seemed to be unraveling before her eyes. The silence spoke volumes, and she wondered if the space between them would ever close again.

As the days went by without seeing Sarah at home, Ferrod's mind became clouded with doubt and anxiety. His thoughts wandered into dark territory, fueled by the fear that history might be repeating itself.

Ferrod: (frustrated, pacing) Where is she? It's been three days. What is she up to?

The seed of doubt planted itself in Ferrod's mind, and he couldn't shake the ominous thoughts.

Ferrod: (suspicious) Is she having an affair? Is this some twisted way of her getting back at me?

As he let these thoughts fester, the fear of betrayal began to consume him.

Ferrod: (angry) Just like her mother did to mine. Is this some sick pattern? Does she want to destroy us, get revenge?

The silence in the house echoed with Ferrod's turbulent thoughts, each creak and rustle magnifying the doubts that gnawed at him.

Ferrod: (panicking) What if she's following her mother's footsteps? What if she's planning to end it all?

The fear of history repeating itself weighed heavily on Ferrod, and his imagination painted scenarios that fueled his anxiety.

Ferrod: (frustrated with himself) Stop it! This is crazy. I need to talk to her and find out what's going on.

Despite his internal struggle, Ferrod couldn't shake the dark suspicions that had taken root in his mind. The distance between them had grown into a chasm of uncertainty, leaving him tormented by the ghosts of the past and the fear of a future he couldn't predict.

As Sarah weakly entered the house after being discharged, she was met with an unexpected confrontation from Ferrod, who seemed to have been waiting for her in the living room.

Ferrod: (impatiently) Where have you been, Sarah? I've been waiting for you.

Sarah, still recovering and caught off guard, struggled to find the right words.

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