chapter 5 (the graduation)

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Today is a big day for Ferrod and Sarah – their graduation day. The sun is shining, and the campus is buzzing with excitement. They both worked hard and are receiving special awards for their academic achievements. They are even the Latin awardees!

As they get ready for the ceremony, Ferrod realizes he doesn't have anyone coming to support him. He looks a bit lonely. Sarah, on the other hand, is surrounded by friends and family, all eager to see her walk across the stage.

Ferrod: (looking a bit lonely) "I wish someone could be here for me today."

Sarah: (smiling) "Hey, Ferrod! I am here for you. It's a big day for both of us!"

The ceremony begins, and they later they both climb yo the stage proudly to receive their awards. The cheers are loud for Sarah, and Ferrod can't help but feel a bit left out.

Ferrod: (trying to hide his feelings) "Congratulations, Sarah! You deserve it."

Sarah: (noticing Ferrod's mood) "Thanks, Ferrod! But it's your day too. We both worked hard for this."

During the ceremony, speeches filled the air like uncertain melodies. Cheers and applause surrounded them, but Ferrod's mind was filled with echoes of the past. The weight of his hidden revenge grew, like a storm about to break.

Their love, a dance of affection and secrets, faced a test as the cap and gown hid not only their academic success but also Ferrod's hidden motives. The veiled cengeance, carefully hidden behind the celebration, threatened to cast a shadow over their happy moment.

As diplomas were handed out and people congratulated each other, the tension between the joyful occasion and Ferrod's veiled vengeance reached its peak.

Graduation day, meant to end one journey and start another, became the stage for a drama of love mixed with the complexities of veiled revenge. In the uncertain aftermath of their success, Ferrod and Sarah stood at a crossroads, their hearts tangled in emotions that would shape the chapters of their future.

Sarah: (gently) "Ferrod, we did it! Let's celebrate together."

Ferrod: (smiling) "You're right,. Today is a day to celebrate our achievements."

Ferrod at the cemetery...

In the quiet cemetery, Ferrod stands alone in front of his mother's tombstone. The air is calm, and all you can hear are the leaves gently swaying and birds chirping from afar. Ferrod holds a medallion and diploma tightly in his hands, symbols of the hard work and success he achieved.

Ferrod: (whispering to the tombstone) "I did it, Mom. I really wish you were here to see this."

Tears roll down his cheeks as he carefully places the shiny medallion and diploma on the cold stone. They catch the sunlight, creating a soft gleam in the quiet cemetery. Ferrod then kneels beside the tombstone, feeling a mix of pride and sadness in his heart.

Ferrod: (softly) "I worked so hard for this. I miss you, Mom."

He reaches out and gently touches the cold surface of the tombstone, as if trying to feel his mother's presence. The weight of his achievements feels heavy without her to share the moment.

Ferrod: (whispering) "You were always there for me. I hope you're proud."

As he stays there, memories of late-night studies and the sacrifices his mother made flood his mind. The medallion and diploma become symbols not just of his academic success but also of the love and strength his mother gave him.

Ferrod: (reflecting) "I wish you could've seen me graduate today. It's all for you."

In the stillness of the cemetery, Ferrod's tears speak of a journey of triumph and longing. He takes a moment to remember and find comfort in the connection he feels to his mother's memory. The medallion and diploma, now resting on the tombstone, symbolize not just academic achievements but also the enduring bond between a son and the mother he holds close to his heart.

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