chapter 38 (The Tale of the Ring)

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Ferrod worked hard to become good friends with Matt and Nanay  Ayla. He always offered to help and support them, even though Ayla usually said no politely. Ferrod wanted to be close to them and didn't understand why Ayla refusing.

Once, Ferrod smiled warmly at Ayla and said, "Ayla, I've noticed you're quiet. Is something bothering you? I truly want to help both you and Matt."

Ayla, seeming thankful but a bit guarded, replied, "Mr. Ferrod, I appreciate your kindness, but we're used to handling things on our own. We don't want to be a bother."

Ferrod, genuinely worried, said, "You're not bothering me, Ayla. I care a lot about you and Matt. If you need anything, just tell me."

Even though Ayla was hesitant, Ferrod didn't give up. On a weekend, he surprised them with a bag of groceries, saying, "I thought you might like these. Just a little something to make your day easier."

Ayla, looking thankful but unsure, said, "You don't have to do this, Mr. Ferrod."

Ferrod, smiling warmly, replied, "Think of it as a friendly gesture. We're here for each other, Ayla."

Ferrod wanted to know more about Ayla without making her uncomfortable. 

One day, during a casual chat, he gently asked, "Ayla, I hope it's okay, but I'm interested in learning more about you. If you're comfortable, could you share a bit about yourself?"

Ayla, a bit surprised at first, noticed that Ferrod seemed genuinely interested. With a hesitant smile, she said, "Well, there's not much to tell, Mr. Ferrod. We've been managing on our own for quite some time."

Ferrod, understanding her hesitation, reassured her, "I get it, Ayla. I don't want to pry, but I care about you and Matt. If there's anything you're okay with sharing, I'm here to listen."

As they kept talking, Ayla slowly started to open up. She shared bits of her past, the difficulties she faced, and how she found strength in taking care of Matt. Ferrod listened carefully, showing genuine interest and support.

Over time, their talks became more profound, and Ayla realized that Ferrod's questions were more about understanding her than prying into her life. 

One weekend, in the late afternoon, Ferrod paid a visit, bringing along some food. While engaging in conversation, Ferrod couldn't help but notice a ring adorning Ayla's finger. Intrigued, he gently asked her about the ring.

Ferrod: (with a curious smile) "Ayla, I noticed the ring on your finger. It's beautiful. Is there a story behind it?"

Ayla: (with a thoughtful expression) "Oh, this ring... it's a bit mysterious, Mr. Ferrod. I woke up one day, and it was already on my finger. There's an engraving – Ferrod and Sarah."

Ferrod: (surprised) "Ferrod and Sarah? That's interesting. Do you have any idea how it got there?"

Ayla: (shaking her head) "No, Mr. Ferrod, I have no memory of it. It's as if it appeared magically. I don't even know anyone named Sarah."

Ferrod: (smiling) "Well, it adds a bit of mystery to the ring. Maybe there's a fascinating story behind it."

Ayla: (with a chuckle) "Maybe, or maybe it's just a mix-up. But it doesn't bother me. It's become a part of me now."

Ferrod: (nodding) "It certainly does add an air of intrigue. If it ever brings back any memories or if you find out more about it, I'd love to hear."

Ayla: (appreciative) "Thank you, Mr. Ferrod. It's nice to have someone to share these little mysteries with."

After Ferrod left, Ayla found herself alone, and her curiosity about the engraved names—Ferrod and Sarah—grew stronger. She examined the ring closely, realizing that the names were the same as Ferrod's. Intrigued and a bit puzzled, she couldn't help but wonder about the connection.

Ayla: (speaking to herself) "Ferrod and Sarah... how strange. Could it be a coincidence? But why would Ferrod's name be on it?"

She decided to reach out to Ferrod to satisfy her curiosity.

Ayla: (calling Ferrod) "Hello, Mr. Ferrod? I hope I'm not bothering you, but there's something about this ring I can't quite understand."

Ferrod: (warmly) "Not at all, Ayla. What's on your mind?"

Ayla: "Well, I noticed the names engraved on the ring, Ferrod and Sarah. It's the same as yours. Is there a story behind it? Who is Sarah?"

Ferrod: (pausing) "Oh, that ring... it's a bit of a mystery to me too... Tomorrow, let's talk about it,"



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