chapter 13 (struggles and puzzles)

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As the weeks passed after the eventful night at the hotel, Ferrod's behavior took a noticeable turn. Each time he came home, he seemed to be in a state of intoxication and irritation, leaving Sarah puzzled and concerned.

Sarah: (worried) Is everything okay? You've been coming home like this a lot lately.. and drunk? Why?

Ferrod: (gruffly) Don't worry about it. I'm fine.

Despite Ferrod's dismissive response, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. The once warm and open communication between them seemed to have faded, replaced by a tense atmosphere.

Sarah: (tentatively) We used to talk about everything. I miss that. What's going on?

Ferrod: (defensively) I said I'm fine. Just leave it.

The distance between them grew, and Sarah struggled to understand the sudden change in Ferrod's behavior. She wondered if the events of that night had something to do with his current state, but Ferrod's reluctance to open up made it challenging for her to grasp the full picture. The air in their home became heavy with unspoken tension, leaving both of them caught in a web of confusion and unresolved emotions.

Days turned into weeks, and Ferrod's demeanor continued to shift. He transformed into a cold and distant man, no longer offering morning greetings or showing any concern for what time he came home. Sarah couldn't ignore the change and found herself increasingly puzzled by Ferrod's behavior.

One morning, Sarah mustered the courage to address the growing distance between them.

Sarah: (tentatively) Ferrod, is everything okay? You've been so distant lately, and it's hard for me to understand.

Ferrod: (indifferent) It's nothing, Sarah. Just dealing with some stuff.

Sarah: (concerned) But we used to talk about everything. I miss the warmth we had. Can we please talk about it?

Ferrod: (coldly) There's nothing to talk about. I need my space.

As the days went by, the communication gap widened, and Ferrod's coldness persisted. Sarah felt a deep sense of confusion and hurt, unable to comprehend why the man who was once affectionate and communicative had become so distant. The atmosphere at home became strained, leaving Sarah searching for answers in the silence that now defined their relationship.

As days passed, the situation between Sarah and Ferrod continued to deteriorate. The once warm connection they shared seemed to vanish, and nights became particularly challenging for Sarah. There were occasions when Ferrod didn't come home at all, leaving Sarah in a state of worry and confusion.

Sarah: (concerned) Where are you? It's late, and you didn't let me know you wouldn't be home.

No response.

Nights turned into anxious waiting for Sarah, with no messages or calls from Ferrod explaining his whereabouts. The uncertainty weighed heavily on her mind, causing sleepless nights filled with concern.

Sarah: (frustrated) Why won't he communicate? Is he okay?

As the cycle of unexplained absences continued, Sarah's worry grew into a constant companion. The lack of communication left her feeling isolated and unsure about the state of their relationship. The once-shared home now felt emptier, and the absence of Ferrod's presence left an emotional void that Sarah couldn't ignore.

One evening, as Sarah and Ferrod sat down for dinner, Sarah gathered the courage to address the growing tension between them.

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