chapter 39( The Revelation Beyond Shadows)

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One Sunday...

After their lunch, Ferrod decided to take Ayla to the park. The sun was shining, casting a warm glow on the surroundings. As they found a quiet spot, Ferrod looked at Ayla with a serious expression.

Ferrod: (gentle but serious) "Ayla, there's something important I need to tell you."

Ayla: (curious and a bit nervous) "What is it, Mr. Ferrod?"

Ferrod: (taking a deep breath) "The engraved names on the ring, Ferrod and Sarah, they are my name and the name of my wife, Sarah. You are my lost wife, Ayla... you are Sarah."

Ayla's eyes widened, and she looked at Ferrod in disbelief.

Ayla: (shocked) "What? But how is that possible? I don't remember being married to anyone, let alone you."

Ferrod: (softly) "I know it's hard to believe, Ayla. But you had an accident, and you lost your memory. We were married, and I lost you. The ring, the names, they were ours... See this ring?" Ferrod showing the ring on his finger.

"Examine it... It's the same as yours... The design, and the names engraved,"

Ayla: (terrified) "This can't be true. I don't remember you, or being married. I don't even remember myself."

Ferrod: (compassionate) "It's a lot to take in, I understand. I've been searching for you for so long. That eventful night changed everything. But I found you, and I couldn't be happier."

Ayla: (panicking) "I need time to process this. I don't know what to think or feel right now."

Ferrod: (supportive) "Take all the time you need, Ayla. I'm here for you. We can navigate this together. I just wanted you to know the truth."

As Ayla grappled with the shocking revelation, Ferrod offered a reassuring presence, giving her the space and time to come to terms with this unexpected twist in her life.

After learning the truth, which was difficult for Ayla to believe, Ferrod gently suggested that she inform their son, Matthew, about the revelation. Ayla, still processing the shock, decided to share the news with Matthew.

The next morning...

Ayla: (nervously) "Matthew, there's something important I need to tell you."

Matthew: (curious) "Sure, Nanay. What is it?"

Ayla: (taking a deep breath) "You know Mr. Ferrod, right? Well, he told me something yesterday, something that's hard to believe."

Matthew: (confused) "What is it, Nanay?"

Ayla: "He says that I am his lost wife, Sarah, and you're our son."

Matthew: (surprised) "What? Really?"

Ayla: (trying to explain) "Yes, he saw my ring, and he showed me the same ring on his fingers with the same names engraved on it, Ferrod and Sarah. He said I had an accident, and I lost my memory. We were husband and wife, but something happened."

Matthew: (overjoyed) "So, Mr. Ferrod is my Papa, and you're his wife, and my Nanay?"

Ayla: (still processing) "It's hard to believe, Matthew. I don't remember, and it's a lot to take in."

Matthew: (optimistic) "Even if you don't remember, Nanay, I'm happy if we're a family. Mr. Ferrod is nice, and if he's my Papa, that's cool!"

Ayla: (teary-eyed) "Thank you for being understanding, Matthew. We'll figure things out together."

Matthew, despite disbelief, embraced the idea of having a family with Ferrod. His innocence and acceptance brought a ray of hope and positivity into the complex situation, offering comfort to Ferrod.

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