chapter 15 (outburst)

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Months passed...

Ferrod underwent a transformation that left Sarah both bewildered and troubled. The man she had once known as her sweet best friend, caring classmate, loving suitor, and loyal husband seemed to have vanished into an unrecognizable version of himself.

Sarah: (reflecting) What happened to the Ferrod I knew? It's like he's become a different person.

Ferrod's demeanor had evolved into something fiercer, and the once-warm connection they shared now felt replaced by an unsettling distance.

Sarah: (expressing concern) You've changed. Is there a problem?

Ferrod: (defiantly) I don't need your concern. I'm fine.

The dialogue between them had become strained, with Ferrod avoiding any discussion about his emotional shift.

Sarah: (wistfully) We used to be so close. What happened to us?

Ferrod: (coldly) People change, Sarah. Get used to it.

The warmth that once filled their interactions had dissipated, leaving behind a cold and unfamiliar atmosphere.

Sarah: (voice filled with sadness) But I miss the person you used to be. What happened to the love we shared?

Ferrod: (dismissively) Love doesn't pay the bills. I've got other priorities now.

The poignant exchange highlighted the stark contrast between the past and the present. Sarah grappled with the void left by the absence of the man she once knew, while Ferrod seemed determined to embody a version of himself that no longer recognized the importance of their shared history. The disintegration of their connection became more pronounced, leaving Sarah yearning for the restoration of the love and warmth that had once defined their relationship.

The weight of their conversation hung in the air, and Sarah couldn't shake the frustrations that welled up within her. As she looked at Ferrod, the man who had once been her ever-loyal husband, she couldn't help but see the stark contrast in his changed behavior.

Sarah: (frustrated) What happened to us? You were always loyal, and now...

Ferrod: (nonchalant) Things change, Sarah. You need to accept that.

The nonchalant response fueled Sarah's frustration. The man she had trusted and relied on had transformed into someone unrecognizable.

Sarah: (with disbelief) You used to be my confidant, my support. Now, it feels like I don't even know you.

Ferrod: (indifferent) People evolve. I've got my priorities now... Different priorities.

The indifference in Ferrod's tone cut through Sarah, leaving her grappling with the painful realization that the loyalty she once cherished had been replaced by a dispassionate attitude.

Sarah: (emotionally) I miss the love we had. How did we end up here?

Ferrod: (angry) Stop dwelling on the past, Sarah! Things change. You need to get over it.

The unexpected intensity of Ferrod's reaction caught Sarah off guard. The plea for understanding and connection was met with dismissive anger, leaving her in a state of emotional disarray.

Sarah: (confused)I just want to understand. What happened to us?

Ferrod: (impatiently) What happened is life happened! If you can't keep up, that's your problem.

The exchange became a battlefield of emotions, with Sarah seeking answers and Ferrod vehemently resisting any form of introspection. The love that once defined their relationship seemed overshadowed by a mounting tension as if the mere acknowledgment of their shared history was enough to ignite Ferrod's anger. The once-solid foundation of their love now felt like shifting sands, leaving both Sarah and Ferrod caught in the storm of unresolved emotions.

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