chapter19 (the pains in body and soul)

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At Ferrod and Sarah's home...

As the truth of Ferrod's veiled vengeance became clearer to Sarah, a profound understanding settled within her. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, revealing the motives behind Ferrod's behavior.

"Now I understand, Ferrod," Sarah said, her voice a mix of sadness and realization. "You've been driven by a sense of vengeance all along."

Ferrod, caught off guard by Sarah's understanding, looked at her with a hint of remorse in his eyes. The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air.

"I'm not excusing what you did, Ferrod," Sarah continued, "but I see the pain that fueled your actions. It doesn't justify the hurt, but at least now I understand why."

The room, once filled with tension, carried a new atmosphere—a somber acknowledgment of the complexities that had shaped their relationship. Sarah, having unveiled the layers of Ferrod's motivations, was now faced with the challenge of navigating through the aftermath and deciding the path forward.

Ferrod maltreat Sarah, physically and emotionally. He wanted Sarah to suffer for her mother's fault.... He wanted Sarah to feel the feeling of being played and cheated.

Sarah said she is innocent even if Ferrod's accusations of her mother is true...

Ferrod continue his vengeance up to point if physical harm...

At time, at small disagreements, he hit Sarah...

Sarah: I hope the blood cuts will wash away your anger, if not totally, even a percent is great. I hope someday, when you realized your doings, you won't bite your elbows in regrets. My cuts will heal, but even if not, if it will to my death, I hope it will bring you joy and fulfillment.

Ferrod: You shut up, your ranting non sense!

Sometimes unsatisfied of hits and slaps... He kicked Sarah that almost make her limb to crack

Sarah bear it all... She grit her teeth to overcome pain.

Days passed, in spite of Ferrod's cruelties,Sarah continue her role being a wife...

She does the household chores ... Preparing Ferrod's breakfast and dinner, that often times landed on trash bins. Ferrod's throw them.

The actions breaks Sarah's heart, but what else can she do aside from letting all maltreatment pass.

One morning, Ferrod came home from a morning jog...

Sarah: Good morning... Coffee?

Ferrod: Keep distance from me if you don't like an early kick!

Sarah felt little with Ferrod's harsh words...she slowly turned her back to hide her tears. She doesn't want Ferrod to see her in tears, it won't get her any good...Ferrod will just tell her of best in dramas, making scenes.

When Ferrod left, she ready herself for office.

She apply a heavy concealer to hide her cut in her chin... A heavy eyeshadow to hide the black circles around her eyes.

Sarah, hurriedly drive off to the bank... And upon settling to her desk, Carla, a close co bank employee, came near her, and whispered ...

Carla: Is he hitting you again?

Sarah: (in crack voice trying to hold her tears) This is nothing, Carla dear...Thank for your concern.

Carla: I don't want to see you someday inside a coffin, dead and full of cuts and bruises.

Sarah: Promise, it won't reach that stage.

Carla: As early as possible, wake up! You're a promising woman... Don't waste your life in misery...

After sati g, Carla left her.

Sarah feel so hurt, not by Carla's words but the realization that her husband's cruelty is evident.

While Ferrod, now in his office, enjoying a over coffee and a flirty talk with the lady client.

Lady Client: So, it's a deal, see you tonight for dinner!

Ferrod: Dinner only?

Lady Client: We will see if what is best thing to happen after dinner...So, be there to know.

Ferrod: hahaha...witty.

As lady client left, Ferrod is smirking, and the lady client seem wagging her buttocks like an in heat pussy cat.

At home, dinner time...

Sarah preparing g the table for Ferrod's dinner, but the clock ticked to 12 midnight, no Ferrod showing up.

Worried if Ferrod's whereabouts, Sarah send him text messages.As no replies coming, Sarah  dialled Ferrod's number, only to find out it's out of coverage area... She made so many attempts, and after awhile the phone ring.

Sarah was relieve seeing g Ferrod receive her call... But her feeling of relief turned to shock, she felt a bucket of water chilling splash her face when instead of hearing Ferrod's voice, she heard groans and moans. A man and woman in exchange of moans, as if their trying to catch something... The woman in erotic voice calling Ferrod's name...

Sarah's tears came chasing one another down her face. Her flesh trembled with the realization of what is behind those erotic moans and groans of man and woman.

On the other hand, Ferrod smiling devilishly after receiving Sarah's call and have the call in loud speak. He knows Sarah hear every moans and groans they made... He feel fulfillment imaging how Sarah looks this moment and how she felt.

Seeing the woman in deep sleep with little snores, Ferrod grab his garments and clean up.

Arriving home, the pathways and the living room is lighted. Expecting Sarah was there waiting, he   grinned.

Indeed he was correct, Sarah is there, sitting reading a book. To his surprise, no clamor from Sarah, no interrogations, instead she smiled sweetly.

Sarah: Want tea? It's nice to have a sip before going to rest.

Ferrod stared at her assessing Sarah's reaction...seeing none, he grinned though puzzled, he climb upstairs.

He noticed after sometime, Sarah came after him... Quietly take her space in the bed and sleep.

Ferrod feel disappointed, he pushed Sarah from bed which made Sarah fall to the floor.

Sarah(groans in pain): Arrrrggghhhhh...

Ferrod stand up, hurriedly went out of the room leaving Sarah agonizing in pain.

Sarah(puzzled murmuring to herself): Why would he, I never say anything to angry him?

She felt hard standing up, she crawled back to the bed.

Her tears fall though she's trying to conceal,.the pain of her body is lesser compare to the pain she felt in her heart and soul.

Sarah(in her thoughts): Until when you'll do these or until when I can still bear these all?

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