chapter 50 (Healing Hearts: The Power of Forgetting and Forgiving)

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One morning...

As Sarah tidied their room, she came across an old phone hidden away in a drawer. The battery had long been drained, but curiosity led her to plug it in. Much to her surprise, the phone came to life. It was locked, but as she stared at it, a realization hit her—it was hers, equipped with an iris scan protection feature designed to recognize her eyes. With a successful scan, the phone unlocked, revealing a past she couldn't remember.

Sarah, holding the phone: "I didn't even know I had this. Let's see what's stored in here."

As she explored the contents, she discovered a collection of saved text messages that left her utterly shocked. The messages were not just harsh but cruel, seemingly from a Ferrod she couldn't reconcile with the one she knew now.

The messages on the screen painted a painful picture:

"Why don't you just leave? You're useless, and I didn't marry you out of love but for vengeance."

"You transfer rooms because I and my new 'love' will occupy this one. You deserve nothing more than the garage."

Sarah, reading with disbelief, felt a mix of confusion, hurt, and bewilderment. The stark contrast between these messages and the compassionate Ferrod she knew in the present created a disorienting experience.

Sarah, murmured to herself: "Is this real? Did Ferrod say these things to me?"

The hurtful words resonated in her mind, and she grappled with the emotional turmoil caused by the shocking discovery. The messages seemed to narrate a painful chapter of her life, one filled with rejection and bitterness.

As Sarah's curiosity led her to explore further, she hesitantly opened the photo gallery and videos on the unlocked phone. What she discovered sent shockwaves through her entire being. The files contained a collection of unsettling photos and videos, painting a dark and painful picture of her past.

Sarah, her hands trembling, opened a folder labeled "Ferrod's Evil Side," and her heart sank as she saw images of Ferrod with different women getting out of hotels. The more she scrolled, the more disturbing the pictures became. There were photos of a woman he had brought home, and, to her horror, images of her battered self—cut lips, bruised arms, and legs.

Tears streamed down Sarah's face as she confronted the harsh reality captured in those images. The pain reflected in her eyes was palpable, a stark contrast to the life she now knew.

Sarah, whispering to herself: "This can't be real. How could this happen to me?"

As she delved deeper, Sarah discovered videos recovered from CCTV footage, stored in her video gallery. The footage depicted moments of cruelty she couldn't fathom. Ferrod beats her, slapping her, and subjecting her to various forms of abuse.

Sarah, sitting on the floor, cradled the phone in her hands, her tears staining the screen. The weight of the past bore down on her, and she felt a mixture of shock, grief, and disbelief.

Sarah, sobbing: "I never knew... How could he do this to me? Why would he hurt me like this?"

The videos replayed scenes of unimaginable pain, leaving Sarah shattered and emotionally raw. The truth unveiled by the recovered footage shattered the facade of the harmonious present she thought she knew.

As Sarah grappled with the haunting images, the unlocked phone became a vessel of painful revelations. The harsh reality it exposed left her with a profound sense of betrayal and a desperate need to understand the journey that led her from a history of abuse to the fragile peace she now shared with Ferrod.

As Ferrod entered their room, he immediately noticed the atmosphere heavy with tension. His eyes fell upon the cell phone in Sarah's hands, and a sinking feeling gripped him. The evidence of his past misdeeds lay exposed, and he knew there was no escaping the truth.

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