Professor Umbridge

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It had to be the first and last lessons of their week, didn't it? Of course it would be.

Elijah walked into class and took his usual seat beside Alix and the others. In front of them, were books that looked like they were written for young children, not their standard text books they had been dealing with in previous years.

He looked to Alix who was staring at him with concern.

"Just four hours of this a week." She smiled softly.

He didn't reply, he didn't have a chance, their Professor had entered the class, the sound of her heels on the hard wood floor catching his friend groups attention, but it seemed to go a miss with the rest of the class who were all still talking and sending notes through the air in various shapes and sizes.

Spinning on her heels once she reached the desk, Umbridge tried to gain the classes attention with her signature 'hem, hem'. It didn't work.

The class if anything got a tad louder and now notes shaped like dragons flew through the air.

Once again Umbridge cleared her throat in hopes of gaining control of her class. Elijah could practically see her blood boiling when she yet again failed.

With a wave of the woman's wand, the notes set alight, ash fluttering down upon the class, which now had fallen silent.

"Well, good morning!" She said once the class had finally settled.

A few students murmured a 'good morning' in reply.

"Now, now," she said, "That won't do, now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply 'Good morning, Professor Umbridge'. One more time, please. Good morning, class!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge," they chanted back to her. All but Elijah.

"Mr Potter, do you not think you owe your superiors respect?" She called across the classroom.

Elijah ignored her, if she wasn't going to use his name then he wouldn't dignify it with a response. He kept his gaze down, staring at the text book. Again the familiar weight of everyone's gaze rested on him, as the sound of the teachers heels on the floor once again echoed through the room.

She'd stopped in front of him, reaching out to slam his book shut, making him look up.

"Shall we try again, Mr Potter?"

Elijah glared up at her. "You must be confused, that's not my name."

Lifting her chin, she looked down her nose at the boy.

"Oh yes, Mr Lupin-Black. Perhaps that is why you have no manners. Being around such filth and such a savage creature." She hummed, "But let me teach you some manners. When I greet you a good morning, you will respond accordingly."

He squeezed his hands into tight fists under the desk to stop himself from losing control. He might not be on the best of terms with Remus right now, but that didn't mean he would allow someone else to trash talk him. "What if I don't want you to have a good morning? Should I lie to you?"

"Detention, Mr Lupin-Black, and I'll keep adding an additional day until you learn respect."

She stood staring at him expectantly, lips pursed. She frowned after a few moments of silence.

"The clock is ticking, Mr Lupin-Black."

Elijah let out a heavy sigh, "Good morning, Professor Umbridge."

A sharp smile tugged at the Professors lips, "There, that wasn't that difficult was it?"

She headed back to the front of the class room, "A weeks detention, Mr Lupin-Black, for lack of respect and wasting your fellow students time." She gave him a pointed look.

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