Chapter 1.

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Collage isn't I repeat ISN'T something to joke around about. Before going to collage I recommend you know what you want to study already because lemme tell you girl I've been through 3 major changes already and this will be my 4th one at a whole new school.

I liked WSU (Washington State University). The dorms are spacious and the teachers are cool, but I missed my family and wanted to be closer to home.

So I decided to switch collages my sophomore year..

And there I was packing up my dorm because the end of summer was nearing, meaning it's time to get to this new collage.

"Girl what college you say it was again?" Sariah questioned finishing up the box she was packing.

Sariah is my dorm neighbor as well as my bestfriend since kindergarten.

"UConn Hartford" I replied with an edge in my voice. It was getting annoying how many times she's asked this question.

"Ok guh no need to get hostile" She joked.

"Sariah promise me you'll get your memory checked, and before you say no it'd be doing me and you a favor" I said laughing before going back to packing up boxes.

"Whatever, anyway I heard they whole basket ball team fine them boys tall and so athletic. Like girl if you think our team allat wait til you see theirs" She said sticking her tongue out and rolling her hips.

"Girl Ian there to be hoeing I'm there to study alright. I don't twerk I do my homework" I stated pushing your glasses back up on your face.

"You saying that now I know they got some crazy parties and I betta be invited to some" She said finishing up the last box then checking her Apple Watch.

"It's 4 girl your parents gon be here soon" Sariah fake cried sliding down the wall.

"Get up off the floor for you complain about the dust gettin on your face and cause you to break out" I said pushing all the boxes around the room towards the door.

That's all it took to get her off the floor she hates the idea of breaking out. Me and Sariah spent the rest of our remaining time together taking photos and making TikTok's for memories.

We were going to be in completely different states meaning our schedules would likely be a lot different. We'd only be able to see each other on breaks which was really sad.

I'm going to miss her.

After about another hour and thirty minutes passed my parents had made it and was helping me and Sariah move my belongings into the trunk.

After we finished we all went out for lunch and by time we were done it was time to go.

"I'm gonna miss you bestfriend" Sariah said with actual tears falling from her eyes as she hugged me tightly.

"Ima miss you so much more Riah" I said returning the tight hug feeling as I felt warm tears start to stream down my face.

I wiped my tears sniffling and waved Riah off through the window of the back seat.

I wanted to spend some days at home to see my sisters. I missed them so much I talked to them everyday but it wasn't the same as being there in person.

Unfortunately I couldn't because I needed to my get my locker and dorm figured out before the school year started and my parents were taking the girls to Hawaii for a vacation in 4 days.

I put my headphones in listening to edit audios trying to decide who I wanted to edit for the long car ride ahead.

During freshman year I started an edit account on TikTok. Nobody knew the account belonged to me but many of my friend and people around me followed it.

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