Chapter 3.

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KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!! I shot up out of my sleep to a knock at my dorm door.

'Now who the fuck ion even know nobody here' I thought to myself getting up.

I looked in my mirror fixing the position of my bonnet before I went to open the door. When I opened the door I was greeted by a tall brownskin.

"Wassup I'm Ba'rue I was supposed to take you on a tour yesterday I'm sorry it had got late and I had somewhere to be" The brownskin said introducing herself as she held her hand out.

"I'm Giani but you can call me Gigi and don't be sorry I understand I was taking a long ass time" I dapped her up.

"So you go by Ba'rue or you gotta nickname?" I asked curiously.

"My friends call me Rue" She said softly smirking.

"Sound like I gotta earn that status" I said in respect cause can't everybody just be your friend.

"Nah nah you cool you can call me Rue" Rue chuckled showing her braces a little.

"Alright cool" I smiled back at her.

"We got two classes together so I thought we should meet before then now you gotta friend" she said now leaning on the door frame.

"How you know how many classes we got together" I made a confused face at her.

"Whatchu mean mama I was supposed to take you to your classes how would I do that without your schedule" She made a shocked expression at my dumb question.

"My bad I just woke up" I said shaking my head.

"I can see that" The brownskin said chucking showing her braces again.

'This girl fine' I thought to myself watching her laugh.

"Alright ima catch you later though I gotta get to practice for I have to run laps for being late" Rue said holding her hand out at me again.

"Alright I'll see you" I said dapping her up again before she turned to leave.

Just as she turned Paige came into view.

"Aye wassup" Rue spoke to Paige dapping her up and did a handshake.

"Heading to practice" Paige responded making eye contact with me.

I raised my eyebrows at Paige as she mugged me.

"Girl what the hell" I whispered underneath my breath.

"I'm headed that way ima walk with you" Rue spoke to Paige as they both took off walking down the hallway.

I checked the time on my watch. It read 7:53am.

"Awl hell nah" I said closing the door heading back to my bed because it was no where near time for me to be up yet.

Paige POV:

"How do you know Gigi" I asked Rue bouncing my basketball as we walked.

"I don't I just met her. I was supposed to take her on a tour yesterday but she waited hella late and I had something to take care of" she replied tryna steal the ball from me.

"How you know her?" Rue turned now looking at me.

"Meet her yesterday Dr. slater let her take herself on a tour" I said passing the ball between my legs.

"Pretty little thing ain't she" Rue chuckled.

"Hm" I hummed a dry response.


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