Chapter 15.

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The car ride to get Rue was silent from the time we left the school until the time we arrived at the party.

"I'll go in you can stay in the car" I announced to Paige before hopping out of the car.

"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you go in there alone" Paige sighed hopping out the car trailing behind me into the building.

We made our way into the front door and from there it was very clear that it'd probably take us awhile to find Rue. The house was hot and sweaty.

Bodies grinding against each other everywhere we stepped. Nothing could be heard over the loud music playing.

Me and Paige pushed our way around the first floor before continuing to look for Rue on the higher levels of the house. Walking up the stairs was a freak show.

"Just nasty" I scrunched my face in disbelief at the couple that seemed to be getting past a make-out phase.

As we began to check all the rooms around us. I checked the time and realized almost an hour had passed and we still haven't found Rue.

I was starting to get worried that maybe she left the party and something happened until Paige called to me.

"Found her" Paige yelled over the loud music.

I ran to Paige and there she was. Rue was sitting curled up on the bathroom floor.

I quickly rushed over to her and lifted her face off her knees making sure she's ok.

"Wassup mama" Rue said giving me a weak smile.

"Come on we gotta get you up out of here" I said struggling to help her off the ground.

"I got her" Paige ensured me as she helped Rue up.

"Paige you're here to?" Rue smiled brightly.

"Yeh I'm here to, you're gonna go with Gigi and I'll drive your car back, ok?" Paige replied.

"Wait I'm driving your car?" I asked Paige in shock.

"Yeh I mean I'd rather you reck mine then Rue's" Paige chuckled.

"Why would you send Rue with me if you think I'm finna reck" I mugged Paige.

"She called for you meaning you're the person she wants to be with right now" Paige shrugged.

"And this "want" is more important than her life?" I scoffed.

"A joke, it was a joke Giani" Paige sighed loudly.

"Y'all still ain't got over whatever it is y'all been fighting about?" Rue asked flashing both me and Paige with a concerned look.

"We aren't fighting about anything" I replied mugging Paige.

Paige stared back blankly at me. As we reached the car I noticed the looks we'd been getting.

I wondered why until I realized the two people I'm with. I cautiously looked around now a little nervous.

"You ok?" Paige tapped me breaking me out of my head.

"Yeh why wouldn't I be?" I nodded slowly looking at the ground.

"You just look paranoid all of a sudden" Paige shrugged.

"I'm fine" I assured her.

I figured lying to myself would make the feeling go away slowly, and it did. Besides the eyes weren't even on me they were everywhere but on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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