Chapter 11.

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We made it to Cameron's house and there are no cars or anything in the drive way so I was hoping that she's home. Paige went to get out of the car before I quickly stopped her.

Paige's head shot towards me and she looked at me like I'm crazy.

"We didn't get gift bags" I said realization taking over my face.

"We got her presents gift bags really aren't that serious" Paige assured me before getting out of the car and going to get the bags.

"I know but gift bags are neat" I said getting out of the car.

"Alright when she opens the door say happy birthday" I told Paige so we'd be on the same page.

"No really" she cocked her head to the side staring at me.

We made it to the door and rung the doorbell. Moments went by of nothing before I head footsteps coming to the door.

"Alright get ready" I whispered as the door began to opens.

The door opened and Cameron came into our view. She looked surprised when she seen Paige.

"Happy birthdayyyy" Me and Paige said in sync.

Paige held the bags out to Cameron and Cameron just stood there. A sad look appeared on her face.

"Are you ok?" Paige asked a surprise across her face.

"How'd you guys know" Cameron exhaled as she took the bag.

"I checked your story, why wouldn't you tell me it's your birthday" I playfully gripped my heart acting hurt.

"Not having people to hangout with on my birthday would just make me sound lonely" Cameron said stepping to the side letting us in the house.

"It got lonely when you said you have no friends" I giggled entering the house.

"You guys want a house tour?" Cameron brushed off the joke.

"That'd be nice" Paige said looking around the room.

We started in the living room then went down stairs which had a cinema. The backyard had a pool and a hot tub.

'This is some rich people shit' I thought to myself shaking my head.

"It feels like this tour is just a way for you to call me broke" Paige said looking over at Cameron.

"Pfft please, my mom inherited this house and most the stuff in it" Cameron laughed.

"It came pre-furnished literally everything except the rooms" she continued.

"So your families just rich" Paige nodded in understanding.

"Rich no maybe well off, but we don't fall under that category" Cameron said her face slightly dropping.

Paige opened her mouth to say something but I pinched her arm because this is clearly a sensitive topic for Cameron.

"Ouchh" Paige whisper yelled.

"Why'd you do that" she continued shooting her head down at me.

"She clearly doesn't wanna talk about it change the topic" I whispered back at Paige.

After we finished touring down stairs we went back up stairs.

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