Chatpe 2.

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The next morning I woke up with mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness. I knew I needed to make a first impression for the principal and get on her good side.

I took a shower and since I wasn't dressing to impress or anything cause who I'm tryna look good for?

I put on this:

Despite the fact that I own a lot of shoes I'll never wear them

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Despite the fact that I own a lot of shoes I'll never wear them. I don't like the way my feet feel in sneakers so I stick to crocs, slides, and uggs.

I guess it's just my style.

I heard a knock on the hotel door letting me know it was time to go. I grabbed my glasses adjusted them on my face, picked up my folded clothes, and was out the door.

The hotel was only 15 minutes away from the school so we made it there pretty quickly. As we entered the school an assistant led us to the principals office.

"Dr. Slater a new students" The assistant spoke letting us into the office.

"You must be Giani" She smiled shaking my hand then my parents.

"I'm Dr. Slater it's a pleasure to meet you all. I've heard great things about you young lady we're lucky to have you" She continued.

"No ma'am it's me who's lucky to be here; A lovely school you have" I returned the compliment.

For the next hour we sat and talked about what I wanted to be, the classes I'd be taking, where my dorm is, curfews, and sports. She then led us to my dorm.

"This is nicccceee" I dragged out the nice.

"We like for our students to have the opportunity to live alone or with a roommate depending on how they view themselves living in their future" Dr. slater nodded.

I looked around the room and seen another door which lead to the bathroom.

"I get my own bathroom and everythinggg" I jumped with joy.

"I glad you like the room" Dr. slater smiled.

"Well I've got to get back to work get settled in them I'll have a student take you on a tour" She clapped her hands together walking to the exit.

"Almost forgot" She stopped in her track turning back handing me the key.

"If you ever lose this don't worry just notify me and I'll have you another one made at zero cost" She assured me.

"Thank you so much" I gave her a smile as she left.

We started bringing all my stuff up to my dorm which took almost 2 hours. My dad checked the time on his watch.

"Princess we gotta get going" He said as he gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.

"We're gonna miss you so much" My mother said giving me a hug and kissing all over my face.

A Love Like This (Paige Bueckers love story)Where stories live. Discover now