Chapter 4.

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"Au Bon Pain" I read the sigh out loud turning to look at Paige.

"I can read" Paige said unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Why are we here it literally has "Pain" in the title" I said rolling my eyes at be smart remark.

"If you keep rolling your eyes they're gonna get stuck" she said getting out the car.

"Get out the car" she continued then closed the door.

"No it's fine I'll starve" I yelled so that she could hear me then leaned down further into the seat closing my eyes.

Moment later I heard my car door open. I opened my eyes to Paige reaching across me to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"What are you doing" I pushed her which caused her to move not even a cm.

"I said get out the car" she said as she dragged me out the car then closes the car door.

I was about to get back into the car when she locked it.

"I've never even heard of this place before" I crossed my arms following her into the diner.

"Try something new" she smiled holding the door open for me.

I followed after Paige as she sat down at a booth. I gave her a mug before I sat down on the other side of her and put my head down.

I felt Paige put her head down So I sat back up. Right after I sat back up Paige sat up aswell.

"Stop" I said getting annoyed.

"Stop what" she smiled.

I just sighed in response because she definitely knew what. I picked up a menu reading over it.

2 minutes later we were greeted by a waitress.

"Hello I'm Amy I'll be your waitress today whats a good name for you" she wrote something then looked at me.

I started to speak but was cut off by Paige.

"She goes under me" Paige assured the waitress.

"Yes ma'am and what's a good drinks for the both of you" the waitress asked waiting for our answers.

"Apple juice" I said giving her a smile.

"I'll just have a water" Paige said getting out her phone.

"Ok and what would you like to eat" the waitress asked taking down our orders.

"Whatever sounds good to you I've never eaten here before" I said shooting Paige a look.

"And the usual for you" the waitress looked at Paige.

"Yes ma'am" Paige said not looking up from her phone.

"Alrighty your food will be out to you shortly" the waitress said giving us a smile.

"Thank you" me and Paige said in sync as the waitress walked away.

"That was rude" I spoke underneath my breath.

"I thought she was pretty nice she's my favorite waitress here" Paige said looking up from her phone.

"I was talking about you" I mugged her.

"Me?" She gave me a confused look.

"Never mind" I said pulling out my own phone.

Our drinks were given to us and shortly after Amy had come back with our food. We thanked her again before she was off to a different table.

A Love Like This (Paige Bueckers love story)Where stories live. Discover now