Chapter 9.

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I reached Paige's dorm and just stood there for about 5 minutes until someone walked past making me knock so I wouldn't appear weird. The door cracked open not long after.

I looked up to see Paige. She was wearing a sports bra and basketball shorts drying her wet hair with a towel that rested on her shoulders.

"Come in" she said giving me a confused face.

She opened the door and shut it after I stepped inside. I set the boxes of shoes, her vest, and her hoodie down on the side of her desk before heading for the exit.

"That's all you wanted?" Paige asked as she started to put the thing I had just dropped off away.

"Ask yourself what else would I want at almost 8
o 'clock at night" I turned around crossing my arms.

Paige shrugged hanging her hoodie up. I headed for the door again but a thought stopped me in my tracks.

"Give me your number" I said pulling out my phone and handing it to her.

Paige smiled as she took the phone putting her number in. After awhile I was getting suspicious because it should never take that long to save a contact.

"Girl you don't know your number or something" I asked her annoyed.

"What you got something to hide?" She chuckled.

"I wouldn't have trusted you with my phone if I did" I rolled my eyes.

Paige handed the phone back to me and with that I left her dorm. My phone vibrated as I walked back to my dorm and I opened it to see a notification that read "Paige Bueckers has followed you back" from instagram and "Paige Bueckers added you back" from Snapchat.

I sighed because why didn't I think that was what she'd been doing. I lifted my head up to see Rue walking in my direction.

"Hey Rue I haven't seen you inna minute" I said waving.

"Wassup mama" she smiled hugging me.

"Whatchu finna do" she continued.

"Probably go watch Tv til I fall asleep" I shrugged.

"You tryna go get ice cream?" She asked releasing me.

"You bout to go get ice cream at almost 8 o 'clock" I asked laughing.

"Hell yeh I been craving that shit since this morning" she smiled.

"Yeh I'll come" I smiled up at her.

"Wait get on my back real quick" she said as she bent down.

"Girl what?"I asked confused.

"Cmon mama I'm tryna see how fast I can make it from here to my car with you on my back" she said dead seriously.

I got on her back and she readjusted me. I felt so high up.

Standing next to Paige I felt small but I was even smaller next to Rue. Come to think of it I'm small compared to everyone I've met so far.

'I'm finna start drinking pediasure' I thought to myself.

"Time me" Rue said jumping.

"You gone drop me" I said hanging onto her tightly.

"No I'm not cmon gimme a count down" she turned her to look at me.

She was smiling. She's always smiling.

'Her smile so cute' I thought to myself smiling.

"Alright" I replied pulling out my phone opening the clock app.

A Love Like This (Paige Bueckers love story)Where stories live. Discover now